

  • I agree with everyone who said give it a few days/maybe a week or two and you'll feel's normal to feel sluggish when first cutting out bread/refined carbs. It will pass, and you will feel better than ever. The only bread I've eaten in the past 2 months is Ezekiel bread...and I haven't even gone through a whole…
  • I've heard spironolactone (Aldactone) can help with the male hormone regulation, but haven't tried it myself.
  • I ended up pregnant without help from a doctor, so I don't know a *ton* about it, but I've heard some women just take Clomid to get Metformin...particularly if insulin resistance is not an issue. I would personally be leery of taking Metformin if insulin resistance was not a problem.
  • I do track my spices 99% of the time (if I only add salt and pepper, then no...but anything else, yes). Spices/herbs can add up, especially as liberally as I like to use them. :D I'm also being very, very carb-conscious, and many spices/herbs have somewhat high carb counts (at least, in reference to the amount used).
  • I took Metformin (not extended release) for a little less than a month about 8 years ago. I never could get past the side effects, even with diet changes I was in and out of the bathroom all day, and had non-stop stomach cramps. I ignored my PCOS for the past few years, sticking my head in the sand as the symptoms got…
  • At this point I'm doing 1400 calories/day and zero exercise. I want to see what diet alone can do, and I want to get some weight off before I start exercising (bad joints). However, MFP says that one hour of slow walking (2mph) will burn over 200 calories, and I'm thinking I'll be walking more than one hour at the fair…
  • Absolutely. My *ten year old daughter* looks like a healthy young teenager (always mistaken for 12-14 years old), and is off the charts at 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 103 pounds; she is at a healthy weight for her height and wears a size XL or 14/16 in girls/kids and size S or 3-5 in juniors. If she lost another 3-4…
  • I'm 5'5 and my starting weight was 220 pounds. I lost 9 pounds in 5-6 weeks, then started my period and gained back over 4 pounds. :( I'm hoping by next week it all melts away.
  • The CDC's BMI calculator says a healthy weight range for an adult 5'5" woman is 111 to 150 pounds. Other sources say this does not take into account frame size. I'm large-framed (used this calculator to determine frame size: ). I've seen frame size/ideal weight charts that say as…
  • Smartipants, thanks. :) My doctor, in the past, also wanted me to go in birth control pills. In fact, that's the *only* thing she wanted to do. I had to push to try Metformin. I ended up going off of that fairly quickly because I just couldn't handle the side effects. I've had no health insurance for years, so I've had no…
  • Popping into this thread for my first-ever post on the forums. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 8 years ago, when I was 24. At that time my symptoms were already pretty bad, I have pretty much every symptom of PCOS, including insulin resistance. Until 6 weeks ago, though, I never had enough motivation to change my ways…