also meant to say something about finding alternative ways to reduce stress and to relax without the alcohol. Someone mentioned exercise, it could be a foot massage or a hot bath or just watching your favourite tv programme when you get home. Whatever works. The trick is to find something you enjoy more than drinking :)
I'm a binge drinker (vodka) and am trying to cut down my drinking because it makes me so ill (I'm not even supposed to drink on my meds so my insides are suffering even more than they should be). Some things I do to reduce what I'm drinking is to drink a glass of water every other alcoholic drink, only take a certain…
would also love to be friends with people with open diaries. I log vegetarian food, not always that exciting admittedly :P I also use the recipe feature but would love to share recipes and meal ideas with others. I've also only been logging again for the past few days but otherwise update each day as I go :)
living your life trying to please someone else or to be good enough for them won't make you happy. You need to be good enough for you and NOBODY else! And you are good enough exactly as you are- whether that's an independent cool lady, a drivelling mess, both or somewhere in between. You are worthy and loveable! Love…
great post and advice, #17 is my favourite :P
ooh, this sounds good! Seems a fairly easy recipe to convert to veg*n too... I reckon you could easily replace the chicken with quorn fillets or whatever.. NOM NOM, thanks for sharing :)
Helloo, I'm also back after quite a long break. Hope it's ok that I've added some of you on this thread - feel free to add me anyone else that sees this :)
good on for you jumping back into it and thanks for sharing- what a wonderful way to reframe the situation :)
I reckon a red-brown shade that's slightly lighter would look pretty good but it looks great at the moment, imo :)
woke up to feel it coming through the window (and wondering why on earth I put the bed in front of the window?!) Brrrr!
everybody's come up with some great suggestions (SOAD, Rob Zombie, Rammstein, Korpiklaani especially). I'd also add Hanzel und Gretyl, Mindless Self Indulgence.. can't think of anything else at the minute but will be keeping my eye on the thread :)
I do but probably out of convenience more than anything. I'm a 38D but don't find it uncomfortable (or at least no more than wearing my bra in the day). Coincidentally didn't wear one last night and it was nice to be free :P
I love edamame but haven't tried them dry toasted.. wish I could find these near me ):
Heyy :) welcome and good luck!
well done and you're looking great! (your hair makes me happy :D )
Helloo, also from the UK- feel free to add me- and good luck!
That's a beautiful quote and message to live by. I'm going to write this out and stick it on my wall :) thanks for sharing!
'thought he was a freak' oh great xP
interesting, thanks everyone :) regarding the pesticides, that's the same for all fruit and veg isn't it? Anyway, I'll carry on enjoying it but will make sure I give them a proper wash :)
I'm a cereal kinda girl.. - bran flakes and raisins with soy milk (of course you could have whatever milk you'd like, I know soy milk can be one of these EWW options to some people) and my new favourite is - oats, raisins and a dash of cinammon soaked overnight with soy milk (again, substitute milk or water for lower…
these are great :D my google reader feed is so happy with me right now :P
vegweb is one of my favourite recipe sites, actually :) glad to see others are using it thanks everyone for the suggestions so far, some great stuff out there
haha, yeah you can hold the links were you about to suggest :P and thank you! :) yumm
- alpro soya dark chocolate dessert- also as chocolate and butterscotch.. each 125g = 115cal - chocolate mini-milk lolly 1 lolly= 30cal - chocolate angel delight (I buy the cheap version from the supermarket..) about 100cal/ serving (although my serving sizes are probably twice that :$ ) - alpro soya chocolate soy milk :33…
I think it looks great short :)
this is awesomely nerdy :D
thanks :) guess I should just give it a go.. wonder if it'd work with an egg? hmm..
OH YUMM. verry nice :D
woww, great job!