readingmomma Member


  • Those items aren't gluten free
  • Most of my family has celiac. So, I am familiar with it. I know all of them are skin and bone pretty much...but can ask what they can do to gain weight. If I find anything out, I'll get back to you.:smile:
  • I've done that here and there...I look at the item after I eat it or I know about how many cal is has and at the end of the day I go in and estimate. But try not to really track too much every day. Gotta live a little. However, I have cut way back on how often we have mac and cheese...although it is nice and cheap when…
  • I too step on the scale twice each day....sometimes more.
  • Bridg, there's an area in here where you can keep track of 3 of your measurements and record them to help see the progress...Remember last time you shifted and lost lots before it showed on the scales. I'm proud of you, and you're doing worlds better than I am.:flowerforyou: