oldkmom Member


  • Hi! I'm 48 and have lost about 60 on keto and have about 100 to go....I also feel better than I have in a long time. Friends?? I could use the support!
  • I suggest you read the Obesity Code by Dr. Fung! you can also find many articles for free and watch his videos on YouTube. It has a plethora of good info that will help you! Especially, if you want to embrace a WOE and not just a "diet". :-)
  • I suggest you read up on Ketogenic WOE--anything by Dr. Fung is good!! Some posts here are giving you misinformation (and some is good!!!)
  • I've done well with the ketogenic WOE. I am (slowly) healing my body from insulin resistance and know that it will be a long-term/life-long process for me. I can't go back to carb-fests again. And, honestly, I really don't want to. My body feels so much better without grains and sugars. I do strict keto...my "cheats" are…
  • Advocare has some good products, but it's not a miracle. It is just a "lean and clean" (with low carbs) eating plan and some supplements (some that you should probably already be taking--like Fish Oil, etc). You start with a cleanse that cleans out your intestines (TMI, but true), which accounts for a large part of the…