

  • A great way I found to make sure I was getting the water - which can really hinder weight loss - is to pre-fill water bottles. Also, the new recommendation for water intake is 1/2 your weight in water in ounces. So, find that number, and fill nalgene bottles or equivalent and know you have to drink those throughout the…
  • Sometimes dr's are hesitant to get you anywhere but into the normal range. That typically means just barely not low... you also have to be on a medication that works for you. Levothyroxine didn't do anything for me (generic of synthroid) but once I started Armour Thyroid -- natural and replaces more with an increase in…
  • Coconut! SO products are available many places. Also, just straight virgin cold compress coconut "oil" (it's just hard, white, raw coconut) that you could have a spoonful of each day. Also, Chia seed, Mila, via Lifemax seems to be the best, most pure form of Chia also.