

  • I have a cross on my back that I got while in college. It was meaningful to me during some hard times. Now that I am married and have a son I have been thinking of getting another one. I love the idea of incorporating your children into your tattoos. I was thinking of doing something that would remind me of my son. He is a…
    in Tattoos? Comment by ajudernatz July 2011
  • Congrats! I lost weight during the first half of my pregnancy. I was working all the time and with teaching second grade I was constantly walking around, squatting, and moving from sitting on the floor to doing outside activities with my little ones. I lost 7lbs the first three months and then gained that back and another…
  • I had stretch marks when I was a teen because of development and then again after I was pregnant with my son. I ignore the ones from my teen years and call my pregnancy ones "love lines". My son loved me so much from the inside out that he gave me love lines! I cam across this and I couldn't explain the love that i see…
  • Omaha, Nebraska GO BIG RED! CORNHUSKERS! Lived in LaVergne, Tennessee for four years
  • You can do this! I am a mom of a two-year-old and a fellow teacher! I have some of the same feelings/worries that you do about my students and their parents. I have only been on the site a week and have had amazing support! We can do this together and then vent about school too! :)
  • I'm new but in the same boat. My husband has really been encouraging but he is one of those people that can eat anything they want and not gain a pound. I am looking for some people who know what I am going through. I added a few people but would love to have some more friends too! I am married 27 year-old with a two…