


  • candykay89
    candykay89 Posts: 110 Member
    First i must say, get a tattoo that has meaning to you. I have two tats each has the name of my two boys. I am thinking of getting a tattoo when my son gets back from deployment in Afghanistan to celebrate the hard work of 4-4 Cavs. I am hoping he will get one with me. Anyway, i am sure you will make the decision to get something you can live with comfortably for the rest of your life.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I would recommend having your favorite Bible verse inked because that is one thing that will never change.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I am getting NOTW (Not Of This World) tattooed on my ankle like an anklet with the letters on my foot and a crown of thorns around the ankle for the anklet part.

    You can see the NOTW symbol here:
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I saw a tattoo of a cowboy and the cowboy's shadow was a soldier
  • nikibob
    nikibob Posts: 165 Member
    a tattoo that i have always loved is when a dad gets their child's (or children's) handprint tattooed. your kids may be too big for this depending on how big you want the tatt or you could have it shrunk down. it always warms my heart to see that kind of tatt.
  • nikibob
    nikibob Posts: 165 Member
    I would recommend having your favorite Bible verse inked because that is one thing that will never change.

    i agree! just a week ago i did this with my favorite verse on the front of my shoulder. it's 1 john 3:18: my little children, let us love neither in word nor in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I have this tattoo:

    Just got it last Friday - it's latin for "never again" and the purple roman numerals are my starting weight :)

  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    my husband plans on getting our prints of our children's feet on his chest, right over his heart, with their names and birth dates. I think you should definitely get something that means something to you :) your children are obviously important to you, and anything for them would be awesome. :)

    I love that idea, i got names instead, the feet idea hadnt come to find then..
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    This kind of sounds like a description for

    Lol not my intent! Thanks for all the ideas my friends!
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    YANKEES?!?! Ack!!!!! I have to take back my "application!" :)

    lol married women can't put in applications to date me even if they gorgeous!

    Stinker ;)
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    I have this tattoo:

    Just got it last Friday - it's latin for "never again" and the purple roman numerals are my starting weight :)


    I love this! Beautiful!
  • ajudernatz
    I have a cross on my back that I got while in college. It was meaningful to me during some hard times.

    Now that I am married and have a son I have been thinking of getting another one. I love the idea of incorporating your children into your tattoos. I was thinking of doing something that would remind me of my son. He is a spunky and unique two year old. I was thinking of his name either written inside of some snowflakes or surrounded by snowflakes. I have also thought about thinking of getting some lyrics from my favorite worship song.

    Thanks for your service and your children are beautiful!

  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I say either get the Eye of Fatima which is supposed to protect against the jealousy of others or get a bulbasaur which will protect against water, ground, or rock Pokemon.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    It took me a very long time to design mine, but not long to decide what I wanted. I have a ankle "bracelet". I have 2 half hearts, one on the inside and one on the outside with a S and a C in each of the half heart. For my twins, Courtney and Sarah, and then I have a whole heart on the front with a A for Ashley. I did the half heart for the twins because when you put them together they make a whole. It is done in a pink and purple. Very cute, but not very manly, I know. I just wanted to share.

    My Dad has USMC on his upper arm, apparently they did it for him, many, many years ago. It was colored, but now has faded and I want him to get it recolored but he won't.

    I agree with everyone else on here. I love the scripture idea, and anything with the kids names. I also love the military angle. Whatever you decide will be wonderful, I am sure. My cousin had their names and birthdates done on his arm. He also had a baby picture done.

    My most important thing is "what will this look like when I am 90". I work in Surgery and we fixed a broken hip on a 89 year old. He had a skull on his chest and a skull with cross bones right on the tip of his.... "man land" part. Not a good look when you are that old. Something to think about, and sorry for the bad images! When we are young and stupid, things sound like a good idea, but do you really want to be a professional person with a neck tattoo? I am so not against them at all, but you really have to think into the future when getting a tattoo. I'm not saying you will do anything like that guy, but just a tip for everyone to think about. :)
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Jesus drew the phoenix for my tat. True story.
  • dmswarts
    dmswarts Posts: 28
    i have 3 first one i got is the word for family in hebrew going down my neck, my second is a cross with a Star of David in the middle, my third is my kids initials...first rule in tattoos is to never get a partners name inked on i agree totally with the person who mentioned that earlier...

    each of my tattoos have great meaning to me...i thought about my first one for a whole year, one of my bros has it also so it means even more to second one represents growing up in a home with 2 father was jewish, mother third is obvious!

    alot of people on here have given awesome ideas....i personally like the footprints with your kids birthday date and something representing you serving our country....yes i live in Canada but im all American! :wink: but i love Canadians too :laugh:
  • avaloneternal
    I have a simple black tattoo on the back of my neck of the Greek word aletheia which means truth because it encompasses all that I believe. I believe my faith is truth and also Jesus said He is the truth and I want to live my life truthfully (with integrity).
  • Marsha_S
    Marsha_S Posts: 74 Member
    Hi all my sexy darlins in MFP land. So I have a tattoo on my upper arm of a big cross (would post pic but I am at work) and I want to get a couple more tats. I am thinking of having the name Jesus tattooed above the cross and each of my kids name on the left and right of the cross (and room underneath for future kids names when I marry whoever Miss. Right turns out to be). Ideas for other tatts? Background info on me: I am a single dad with full custody of my kids and my life revolves around them. I coach all my sons’ sports (soccer, basketball, football), I am his scout den leader and when I am not at work I spend all my time with the kids. I am a Christian, a huge Yankee’s fan, a cowboy and a former soldier. Any ideas will be welcomed, and appreciated!! Everyone just have a totally awesome day! You are gorgeous, amazing and just totally rock! I love you gorgeous darlins!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Blessings & love,

    Ed, I really like your idea....if it's important to you (I'm guessing that's why you thought of it) then it's a great idea. Jesus at the helm and your children's names underneath is precious and shows where your heart is.

    Just my opinion.
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    While I agree with the above poster about the Yankees, LOL sry Die hard SF Giants Fan here

    EW. even worse than the yankees. i'm from los angeles. haha
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    I say go ahead and get a HUGE NY Yankees symbol in any obvious spot! Then you can listen to all the cry babies blubber about how the Yankees buy the best talent blah, blah, blah! And how it's not fair. And how that is how they bought all 27 world championships that they own, etc. etc, etc. This fellow fan has the same response always. "Whats that? Did you say something? I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. Just thinking about CHAMPIONSHIP #28, which we both know is just around the corner!"

    But, seriously . . . I am ink free (for now, maybe forever). But, I love your idea about adding the kids names and of the that of the Lord. A flag, the name or # of your military company, or even the dates in which you served would also be special. The best part is, it's your body, which you have worked hard for and your should have what is meaningful to you, tattooed on it. :happy:
