movemaker11 Member


  • This thread is awesome. Thanks for the helpful information. I'm ready for maintenance and excited to see how much stronger I can get while eating maintenance calories and lifting. I've been lifting since January and feel like I've made good progress (example: beginning squat 85lbs x 5,now able to do 145lbs x 5) I went from…
  • Thanks for the replies. My funk has lasted just about 3 months now after I got back from a wedding that I knew I had to get into a dress for. After that, I just have let myself go. The sad thing is that I've kind of enjoyed eating whatever I've wanted and eating out/drinking on a whim. However, it's come with the price of…
  • I am on the salad bandwagon this week. This post gave me even more ideas. Today's was romaine lettuce, feta, italian chicken (leftovers), kiwi, and a pear dressing. Delish. I'll probably do this again tomorrow.
  • I'm in. I've been waiting for a challenge to jump in on. I'm pumped, bring it on Turkey Day.
  • I'm 5' 2" and 140. My goal weight is 125. Fee free to add me! I would like to get more involved on here and I think adding friends is a good way to do that.
  • Hey, I'm Jami and I live in Cambridge. I moved here to start my career and have been trying to settle into the city for the past two months. I'm originally from the midwest, but came out east to do graduate school. I have been trying to explore the city more and am excited to see what this place has to offer.