stellarchic06 Member


  • I just can't get a grip!!! What a great opening line but that's about the truth. I've had weight problems and eating problems for YEARS!!! When I was a child, it was just...oh, she's overweight. As a teenager, it became...well, your dads family isn't tiny so it's just family genes. Even as an're just an…
  • The only time you'll catch me running is if there's a brownie at the finish line!!!
  • I also like the 100 calorie packs. That way I still get my chocolate and don't go over!!!
  • I know that I'm new (I only started on Monday) but I've been using Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away The Pounds Express" which has the 3 and 4 mile walk. I started using the 3 mile and I'm so out of shape that I had to stop and start it a couple of times at each mile marker but at least I finished it. I absolutely love this DVD,…
  • I know exactly where you are coming from. My oldest son will be 4 in August and I just had another son in April. I really want to lose the weight as well. We had our youngest sons baptism on Fathers Day and after looking at the pictures of me I decided I had to do something! I hope for the best for you and good luck!!!