cydonian Member


  • He has to want to make that change for himself, you can't force him. If it was me, and I was preparing dinner, I'd prepare whatever is healthy for me... if he wants something else, he can do the work himself. Instead someone will usually eat what you're having. Also, STOP buying junk food.
  • Let's see... corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup AND dextrose. Yum yum type 2 diabetes. Jeez, I know these are high in carbs and low in fat but there's gotta be better options! And there's 400 calories in 2 of them, ugh.
    in Poptarts? Comment by cydonian May 2012
  • Obvious troll is obvious.
  • I use the Light I Can't Believe It's Not Butter -- the one that says it has a little olive oil in the mix. I'd like to switch to 100% olive oil versions or sunflower oil, but they are really hard to find where I live.
  • I think it really depends on the body type. My husband has muscular, bigger legs and his calves match the rest of him. However, if I see a 160lb. guy running down the road and his calves are bulging out, it's kinda disgusting, haha.
  • I started birth control at 15 for medical reasons (I didn't have a period for 4 months and I had never had sex), looking back on it I was underweight when I started it so that may have been why I was skipping periods. I was about 95-100lbs at the time, I am now around 135lbs. I've switched between birth controls for a few…
  • I like most of Ken's light options... the Parmesan Peppercorn is my current favorite.
  • There's barely any protein in that diet, and yeah the calorie count would be pretty low. I also cannot eat eggs or nuts so it wouldn't work for me... or for anyone else that has intolerances to those items!
  • We were mutual friends through an ex of mine, and all played an online game together. After my ex and I split up, my husband was someone I could talk to and confide in. He lived in England and I was in the US, and I had also just turned 18 (and he was 25), so it was a little weird. We kept in touch over the years via email…
  • So she should cheapen herself and lower her standards to get down to this jerk's level? Great advice.
  • I can't possibly disagree with you more. Having a bigger craving for a picture of fake person on the screen than a real live person in your bed? Any guy (or gal!) with that has some serious issues and delusions about what real people are like. There is nothing wrong with porn but when someone prefers it over real sex or…
  • Wait... wait... did I understand the original post? HE PAID FOR IT? Oh dear god, RUN.
  • He's attempted to contact them. Done, and done. Did I mention done? Dump him.
  • I did a 3 mile speedwalk/some light jogging trip yesterday with friends and felt GREAT when I woke up and like I could do it again. For once I don't feel like exercise is stressful or forced this time around. (I've added it into my schedule the last few weeks).
  • I was told when I started out to do 10 reps with the weight and if my arm muscle begins to hurt or shake, it's too heavy. I'm going from absolutely no lifting (ie struggling to carry a gallon of milk) to doing some, so I started out with 3 as after 50 reps, I feel like I've worked my muscles a little. I'm moving to 5 soon.…
  • I'm looking to have a little more arm definition and am using little 3 lb weights, with 50 lift reps on each arm. I will move to 5 in a couple of weeks... but I also have REALLY weak arms, so I didn't want to injure myself haha
  • Wow, lots of pear shapes on here! I like :) Chest - 35'' (I wear a 34C) Waist - 27.5'' Hips - 40/41'' (can't seem to get an accurate measurement, it changes) I've also learned to embrace my body shape and am trying to tone up instead. I'd like to lose the jiggle that comes with having a big rear! Most of my hip measurement…
  • I think you look great weight wise, if anything I would suggest some strength training and mild cardio to help you tone up (and some ab focused exercises).
  • I mostly use extra virgin olive oil in very small amounts (where most people use a tablespoon or two of oil per person being served, I use a half tablespoon for me AND my husband's portion). I would like to switch to sunflower oil but it's not readily available where I live, sadly. My husband also uses sesame oil when…
  • I have very similar measurements to you (27'' waist, 40'' hips, and 23'' thighs) and I really like Mossimo (Target brand) Fit 4 and Fit 3 jeans. Fit 3 is a straighter hip but for some reason, I can go down a size in them. Fit 4 is the curvy cut and it is my usual size. Having bigger thighs is a huge issue, I feel you :(. I…
  • 15% is low for a sexually mature female. We need at least 18-19% to have proper reproductive health and make sure everything is working in that area. I am currently about 23-24% depending on the calculator I use. I am upping my exercise and am hoping to get down to 21% and lower my hip measurement by 2 inches.
  • It really depends on your body frame. I'm 5'1 and currently around 137 lbs. I would like to get down to 130. That seems high for my height but I am very curvy on the bottom half and I'd like to retain that (and my boobs, haha!) and when I was under 130, I was lacking a little in the curve department.
  • Thank you so much for all of the lovely responses, I really appreciate it. I'll spam up the thread trying to respond individually so I will touch on a few points: - Her and my dad watch a fair amount of Food Network so I notice that she has introduced things like dried cranberries and goat cheese into her diet, which is…
  • That could be a way of getting her to eat before we do anything... bringing some fruit or something. Hm, thanks for the suggestion!
  • Thank you for the reply... I'm worried it's medically related too =/
  • That is something I have considered and will try again. I did do her a calorie counter and her BMR when dieting was something like 1375 calories and she was like "oh, wow", but I think she'll just eat all that in one meal at the end of the day. I will try again.
  • My waist by far! My boobs are a close second and the bottom part of my bum (weird, I know). It gets shorter in length but doesn't go down in width -.-
  • Bump. Actually need help on this =/
  • You do need some sodium in your body to help absorb the water so if you're really cutting back on sodium, you may just be peeing all of the water right back out again. Your pee should not be totally clear, it should have a slight yellow tint and very slight smell, so if you're getting absolutely no smell and it's…
  • I bring them to work for lunch with a portion of veggies/salad and/or fruit to help balance. I also drink a fair amount of water so the sodium does not bother me. I will bring stuff from home but I honestly don't have time to always prepare something. I don't find them to be that bad as they are preservative free now (most…