

  • I weigh once a week (usually Wednesday) in the morning before I get dressed. When you weigh yourself, remember that you always weigh less on the morning, clothes and shoes always add weight, and a persons weight can fluctuate 2-4lbs on a daily basis . If its just one pound, although it can be very discouraging, stay…
  • I was the same way until my mom told me about Dunkin Donuts coffee. Dunkin donuts makes some very tasty home brewed coffees. I typically buy the hazelnut or the french vanilla and make a pot each morning before work. The flavor is strong so I did not need the flavored creamers anymore. I also can get away with one teaspoon…
  • Unfortunately people that are unhappy with something in their own lives feel a need to make others feel bad too. You know the old saying, "misery loves company." He is a jerk and is probably just trying to find a way to deal with his own insecurities. Don't let him get you down. You are on a forward path to making yourself…
  • I pick a low calorie alternative like the chilly willy popsicles or jello. My three year old son and I used to eat ice cream every night on the front steps after dinner. He loved doing this and I loved spending this one on one time with him so I did not want to stop this. Instead of ice cream we each eat a chilly willy…