

  • I'm exactly the same i'm so addicted it's untrue... My mom is always telling me how bad it is for me... I tried to stop drinking it but ended up getting really painful headaches. I've now brought cans instead of 2L bottles... as i think you can really see how much you're drinking.. If anyone understands how difficult it…
  • I absolutely love Special K with the Red berries :-) The berries give it a lovely healthy sweetness, so there's no need to add sugar :-) If you don't like red berries they do a range of other ones such as honey and oats :-) Another one of my fav's is weetabix with a chopped banana on top (or any other fruit or even a…
  • In my opinion I just don't see how it can really work? Unless you're planning on working the dvd into your lifestyle for ever, then surely once you stop, the weight will come back on. I've recently joined the gym, as I want to go the gym within my lifestyle to maintain any weight I loose and to keep healthy and fit - even…
  • My favourite recipe is: Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Dressing - P.s. this is a really great website for new recipes. Hope it helps everyone :-)
  • hello, aww no they are lovely girls and are there for me in there own way But they've never had a problem with there weight so they can't truly understand. x
    in Hi Comment by Sophie2304 June 2011
  • Hey Meghan, I understand exactly how you're feeling. I've recently finished university and living away in student accommodation is one of the hardest things when you're trying to diet. Just keep thinking about your goal weight. Also I'm in the same position as you are with your boyfriend. Mine plays rugby so he easily…