I like my Chia seeds ground instead of the whole seed. They mix into my yogurt or oatmeal more easily and then nothing gets stuck in my teeth :) ... you can get the ground (milled) at CM
Hi, I add Chia seeds (ground) to my yogurt. You can get the ground at It looks like pepper but has no taste. I put 2 tbsp in my morning yogurt. Sometimes in the afternoon I'll throw them in a little yogurt at work for a pick-me-up. Also, when I make a casserole I'll throw some in for thickerner too.
I can relate to the seeds getting stuck!! That's why I use the milled (ground) version instead. has it milled. I find that much easier to use.
Hi Swinging Chandra, I admire your discipline. I'm a working mom and lucky if I get 3 good brisk walks in a week. I find I can't live without the exercise though, so I do it and am never sorry. I saw your post and just wanted to let you know about "Running Food" products. It's Chia seed--you can find a wealth of…