You look great!! You can totally see a difference! Makes me want to give Ripped in 30 & Body Revolution a whirl!
Fantastic job! You look great!
:smile: Great job! Keep it up!
^^ This.
I weigh myself several times a week, but I only record it once a week on Fridays, my official WI day.
Great Job!! This whole weight loss thing is one day at a time. You look happy! Cute dresses, too! :smile:
You don't even look like the same person! Fantastic job!
Congrats! You look great!
Welcome to Onederland! Great job!
Happy Birthday and Way to go!!! You are doing great! :smile:
This! Minus the whole losing 60lbs part.
Congratulations! Keep up the good work. You're doing awesome!
This. Maybe I like #2 the least, because I wasn't a fan of the shoes. Love the wedges you are rocking in #1 & #4.
You look fantastic! Holy cow! And I agree with others, it looks like a lot more than 25lbs!
I had my gallbladder out in 10/06. I was not given a list of foods I was supposed to avoid. My only issue that I notice now is that if I wait to long to eat in the mornings, I'll be in need of a quick trip to the restroom. Other than that, I have had absolutely no issues. <knock on wood>
I would (and have) logged it as circuit training.
I use the "dancing, aerobic, ballet....."
You look great!