

  • well, it is good that you are doing some cardio, and I mean that. I am obesed, and I am trying to lose weight also. I feel I could be futher then what I am if I just eat right. I do eat lease, but eat what I want. I am on a 2700 calorie diet, and I go over sometimes, and some days I don't . I am going to say for a nurse…
    in Hello! Comment by TC41 August 2011
  • I found out that it does not matter what scale you use, as long as you use the same one all the time. It kind of made since so I quit worring, and just used the same scale all the time. I weigh myself once a month, and If you have one of those slider scales you can make sure it is accurate, by sliding all the sliders to…
  • I am looking for some good music also. I listen to gospel. <a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a…
  • Wow sounds like you have a great life. I am going to say this, and it is just out of the information that I got. Join a church, and get to know the man up stairs, because it sounds like you are looking for something, or purpose, and what better place to find it, is in the house of God. You can also go back to school, even…
  • The chest strap I was told is very good, and the other thing you are asking I have no idea about do not know what those initials stand for.:happy: