

  • You can add me too. The more friends the better! And on the weight vs. scale thing, yes muscle weighs a lot more than fat so it's real easy to gain enough muscle to cancel out the weight of the fat you're losing. That's why measuring your hips and waist is the best way to track your progress. Misty
  • I'm in! This is my 2nd day on this site. I joined because I noticed I gained almost 10 lbs, and I could start seeing it in my face (and belly, is it wierd that I noticed the face first?), so losing 10 lbs in a month would be great!! Then it'll only be another 21 lbs to go until my actual ideal weight ;-)
  • Some cheap food ideas: Oatmeal Cereal in the bags, not the boxes Eggs -better for you than you'd think Soups Casseroles use less meat and are usually cheap - google for low calorie versions Hope this helps, Misty