Hi! Looking for friends to add to help get me started!

Hey all! My name is Casey and I just joined this website because 3 of my awesome friends are on here. As much as I love them...I think it would really benefit me to have more friends on this website to keep me motivated and interested in my goal(s). I would love to be able to motivate others as well. I have been working out solid for a little over 2 months but my progress has plateaued. I never really counted the calories...so I will see if being extremely conscious of calories will help me get over this plateau I have been stuck on for 3-4 weeks. I have lost probably about 4-5 lbs since January. I am not exactly sure because I got a new scale. The weight that I have on here is what the one at the gym tells me. It is always 3 lbs more than my digital scale. I am so close to getting under 170...but my weight is not budging. Many people say that I am probably gaining muscle. But is it really possible to gain that much muscle to where you don't loose any weight at all? People also say you should give it time and then it will start to drop off. Well....it has been 2+ months...and I am still waiting.

Sorry...I kind of deviated off track.

So, please send me a message or request to be my friend. It would be much appreciated!


  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    You can add me. I like the responses I get from people :)
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    Welcome and best of luck to you on your journey! I'd be more than happy to have a new friend on here! :)
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    I would be happy to be a good support for you!!!! That is....if you don't mind someone old enough to be your mother! : )
  • MistyFabrizio
    You can add me too. The more friends the better!

    And on the weight vs. scale thing, yes muscle weighs a lot more than fat so it's real easy to gain enough muscle to cancel out the weight of the fat you're losing. That's why measuring your hips and waist is the best way to track your progress.

  • katie30
    katie30 Posts: 55
    I'm rather new here too. Add me if you like.