

  • Wow thanks for all the feedback guys, it is very reassuring. About the muscle weight though, I doubt that is an issue. My understanding is that it takes a very long time for the body to develop a significant weight of muscle from working out.
  • Thanks for the reply, Yeah I have actually been doing a great deal of exercising. I ride my bicycle on average of 35 minutes or more every single day since I have started (which is a new thing for me) - and no I am very poor at getting my daily amount of water. I usually come out with about half the water I should be…
  • Hey I really appreciate the post, and I think I'll take your advice about the Oatmeal. I think I'll try to limit my diet to one slice of bread a day, and get the rest of my carbs through fruits and oatmeal. Oh and I changed my Diary settings, everyone can see it now.
  • Alright thanks for the reply, you always seem to answer my questions before I even ask them. I really like that celery idea, and I think I might check it out. Tonight I went out of my way to eat 4 tablespoons of Peanut butter just to get the calories in, but I can't help but to feel like it's a bad idea to eat so much…
  • Thanks for the quick reply, and I assume you are probably right. I read online about other people stressing the same idea about carbs quickly increasing their weight. Right now I eat a lot of bread in order to get my calories and carbs in, but it ends up leaving me with not much left on my plate by the end of the night…
  • Thanks guys, I appreciate all the great help. I think I'll just go ahead and track my distance and time and make the calculation. I'll have to make a specific target path because usually I spend most of my ride in an empty parking lot going around and around (haha).