ummmsorrybutno Member


  • Is the 40 what you pay to him, or to the gym to use him? I know there are a lot of places where you pay like 50.00 a session... but the trainer only gets a portion of it. I agree with the other poster who said maybe try to find someone outside of your gym.
  • 6.7lbs down!!!! 13.3 to go!
  • Just weighed in this morning and I'm down to 143.2. That's 6.7lbs down from last week!!! I'm sure a lot was water loss but I'm okay because a loss is a loss. No measurments until next Tuesday.
  • I'm proud of a few things! -my weigh in was AMAIZING -I finally went to the gym and set up with a personal trainer -I am not longer unable to walk after my workout!
  • Joining a little bit late, but still joining. I'm Crystal... 29 year old mom of 2... goals are to stop letting everything jiggle when I walk... Current weight - 149.9 Neck 13.5 Waist 33.0 Hips 42.0 Next weigh in is tomorrow morning.. Currently I do the following: Mon - JM 30 day shred Tue - Couch 2 5k Wed - JM 30 day shred…
  • Weight in is tomorrow for me!!! I jumped on the scale yesterday afternoon and was happy with what I saw... Let's hope it stays thay way.
  • missed a day due to weather... but w1d2 2.37 miles... so up just a little.
  • as a minor are you still in school? could you see the schoo gc? There is an issue under it all that doesn't seem to have bee resolved the first time. I went through a bout of anorexia from about 17 - 19 after my brother and my granfather both passed very suddenly. I never morned them so my emptions told me to quit…
  • for those of you looking for the dvd work outs it depends which one you want... almost all of the Julian Michaels ones are at target or amazon... my couch to 5 k is an app on my phone insanity you have to order from beach body (or get from someone who is already given up!)
  • Throw me in too! Bikini shopping already on my calendar for June 1 in prep of my June 10th GIRLS WEEKEND AT THE BEACH! I'm currently doing 30 day shred Mon, Wed, Fri and Saturday. Couch to 5k on Tue, Thur and Sat and Sundays off. I'm also going to start meeting with a personal trainer on Friday so she can give me pointers…
  • I did w1d1 today. I'm so proud I didn't have to quit., I'm using the app called RunDouble. What I like is I can upload my run to their website and it tracks everything and includes a map... Today I did 2.17 miles in 28min 24 seconds (included Warm up and cool down) and burned 334 calories Day 2 is on Thursday.
  • I need a way for some extra cardio.... I think I will join you all.
  • Finally remembered something. sweet tea... I had to give up what use to be my biggest staple in life... oh how I miss it. I wonder if I can find a good recipe for devap with splenda... which I'm sure is still terrible for me
  • does the nutritional information in this include the rice, and cheese?
  • Level 1 day 2. It was harder today, which sucks since I'm still doing some of the motified versions. (push ups and one other but can't remember the name) I'm giving myself until day 5 and then I have to be doing the non modified version. tip: create a better playlist for the back ground. I've been listening to pandora hip…
  • I haven't yet... There are plenty of times I have to tell the dh, "No dear we can't have fried chicken tonight because I only have 400 calories left for dinner" He wants to start insanity soon so Im sure Ill be able to better answer soon :)
  • First, Awesome job on wanting to do it the right way... eating right, having a program is a lifestyle change so ti will create long term changes. I'm not sure about the activity level because I struggle with the same question. However as to the bad food items MFP has REALLY helped me with those.... I make myself track…
  • I just restarted so I will join you all. I started a week ago but slacked off for a business trip... I would like to do 10 days at each level, anybody else with that?
  • Great information. I like to "reduce to ridiculous" too small to fail is what I call it. I can TOTALLY burn 600 calories I just have to make myself do it... On top of the Comcast stuff, if you have Netflix you can add workouts to your instant que and they never go away even if Netflix removes it from their instant options.