

  • Hi, welcome to the group. its a great place and its a wonderful support group. it just boggled my mind with the exercise and food counter. I love knowing how many calories I eat a day, and how many calories I burn doing exercise. If you need another friend please add me.
    in helloo Comment by Doglady72 August 2011
  • Hi, welcome to the group. its a great place and its a wonderful support group. it just boggled my mind with the exercise and food counter. I love knowing how many calories I eat a day, and how many calories I burn doing exercise. If you need another friend please add me. :tongue:
    in helloo Comment by Doglady72 August 2011
  • Hi, Just take it as you said one step at a time, the weight came on slow, So sorry to tell you this but it will go off slow a;so. I found that this webb sight is good and very healthful in helping see not only how much you eat, how many calories are in the food that you have eaten. LOL It really open my eyes, that little…
  • Hi, I found that if you exercised just go out and walk for 20 mintues, You aren't as hungry as you thought you were or not hungry at all. Exercising really helps. I also know that it takes are mind a little while to tell our body, hey I am full. If you are use to eating alot, your mind mine might be playing tricks on you.…
  • Welcome, Its a great place, and really does help you see what you need to do. If you allow it to do what its suppose to do. Good luck, you can add me as a friend if you like.
  • Way to Go!!!!, you found what work for you and you succeed. Good job
  • Hi Jenny, I am new also. Only been on this site a few days. But so far I think it will be a great to me. as I can see what goals I need to do to reach my certain weight. Add me as a Friend if you like. I can use all I can get. My name on here Is Doglady72