trivard676 Member


  • One of my shakes spilled in my bag once, I used rubbing alcohol to clean up the mess, then a couple of Bounce sheets to keep it smelling fresh. So far I haven't had any complaints. I now put my shoes in a plastic bag before I throw them in there, even though stinky shoes were never really a problem.
  • I was diagnosed last week and have started levo. It's pretty scary, since I can say that I don't know how long I have gone with this undiagnosed. I know that it's a long road ahead, and looking around the Internet had me feeling pretty down, but it's good to hear that there are still success stories.
  • I was just diagnosed last week. Still trying to figure out what dosage will work for me. Feel free to add me.
  • Yeah, definitely want to wait to see the accuracy, especially since Fitbit can sync automatically with MFP - I don't want to be sabotaging myself. However I am still excited about a new Fitbit device that isn't going to burn people's wrists.
  • If you absolutely must have M&Ms, think about how many calories it is, and how much you have to do to burn it off. Think about what other things you could eat instead of M&Ms that would not only fill you up, but be beneficial in ways that M&Ms simply cannot. If you do not have self control, take someone with you to go…
  • I definitely know how it feels to feel awkward at the gym. All these super-fit people around, people that go to the gym every day, and me thumping along on the treadmill feeling like I'm about to die/or break the treadmill, probably drowning in my own sweat? Definitely been there. It's easy to feel that way, especially if…
  • Normal for beginners. Make sure you're drinking lots of water and remember if the pain gets to be too much, you may need to take a rest.
  • I generally do my workouts after work. Sometimes I get the feeling of "yay, I'm so full of energy I can do anything!" others it's "just let me pool into a puddle here and I'll talk to you later." Granted, if I absolutely have to stay awake for the rest of the day, I turn to my good friend caffeine for help. I think if it's…
  • I just got a Galaxy Note 3. I use it for music and logging when I exercise. I generally just toss it in my pocket. It's big, but I mean it doesn't throw me off balance or anything :D
  • Whenever you sit down? All the time? Are you wearing shoes? Definitely something to check with the doctor about
  • You're not the only one, that's for sure. I try to sleep a lot during those days.
  • I didn't read through the whole thing, but it sounds kind or ridiculous. I'd be pretty pissed if I gave my family money and they didn't get what I'd ordered, but I'd set up some fail-safe so that it happened once, and never again. The idea of getting a fridge in your room is not all that bad of an idea, considering it…
  • Haven't quite reached my 30s yet, but getting there! Looking for a supportive group of friends. Feel free to add me too!
  • I think everyone gets into those rough patches, I'm definitely feeling like I'm in one right now. My goal is pretty modest (read: realistic to me) right now, but I'm sure soon enough, what's realistic to me will change. Feel free to add me, and if anyone ever feels like chatting, I'm always trying to stay on the positive…
  • Hey guys! Glad to hear that you're so motivated!
  • I am pretty bad for not eating breakfast. My quick go-to is a Slim Fast shake mixed with coffee and ice (so...iced coffee?) Sometimes I'll have a morning snack a few hours after.. I keep it in a coffee thermos to make sure I drink it slowly and that it stays cold. If I'm in a particularly sour mood, I'll throw in a bit of…
  • I get bored pretty easily of food. I wish I would get bored of the junk food though ;) However, my food tastes tend to go in cycles. Sometimes I'll really want to eat a lot of peppers or salads, other times I can't stand them and will opt for something different. Same goes for coffee and slim-fast shakes (I have slim-fast…
  • Bette Midler - Wind Beneath my Wings. I cannot hear that song without thinking of Beaches. *winces to hold back some tears*
  • You guys can add me if you like. We all occasionally fall off the wagon. If losing weight and changing your lifestyle were easy, everyone would do it.
  • Small victory for today? Went to the gym after work again. Got that feeling like I didn't want to - told myself "You know you have to. Besides, as soon as you get to the parking lot of the gym, you'll go in and have a good time." It was 3AM. Can't do it tonight though because of an early meeting. Second small victory of…
  • I'm from Windsor. Right at the southern edge. Add me if you like!
  • I used to think that these people were pretty irritating, but then when I started my current job, one of the trainers offered some pretty solid advice. I work at a college with a fair bit of students, and because we're out in the open (I work Security), students will want to come and talk to us about anything really. They…
  • Start slowly and focus on proper form. Getting your form and breathing right is easier as a beginner than it is after you've grown accustomed to do it another way. Don't worry about no being fast enough or going far enough when you first start off. Focus on proper form and strengthening your leg muscles to take the…
  • To me, from experience, it sounds like shin splints. They're the thing I hate most about running (that and the fact that I'm still not all that great at it...) because they can pretty much crush any progress that you might have made if they go untreated. I'm probably due for a new pair of runners, but that's not in the…
  • Body shaming is just another fancy term for bullying. If you body shame others, congratulations! Your social skills have not evolved beyond middle school! It's recess all over again! If it makes you feel any better, use all of the excuses and justifications you like, but the fact of the matter is, you judge people based on…
  • One of the things that I've taken to doing is buying the Thinsations treats. They're 100 calories per bag, and it gives me the satisfying feeling of finishing the whole bag, while still only eating 100 calories. So long as you don't eat the entire box in one sitting, it still gives you that sweet (or salty, depending on…
  • Since I was born :\
  • Oh man...