Shaavig Member


  • 21 is really young to get a tubal. Even though you've had two kids, your doctor may not give you the tubal. It just depends on the doc. I'd see the doc, talk about available options and then discuss it with your BF. If you think there's even a slight chance you will want more kids, don't do the tubal. And although…
  • I'm newer here too and I'm really liking it. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Don't let your lack of "skills" hold you back! I'm not a great dancer. But the steps are repetative, so you can catch on and keep doing it. Plus, no one is watching you. Honestly. All eyes are on the instructor. Just keep moving! It's a lot of fun. I haven't tried those new dvds. I have the older ones and they are good. I…