

  • I think your diet is not bad. but you could try adding some fruit in there as dessert, for example, and snacks inbetween meals, like fruit/vegetables with peanut butter, crackers with cheese, yogurt, milkshakes, nuts, etc. you clearly don't have that much nutrition on what you are eating, not because they're bad choices,…
  • 1470 is not that few for a women. men need more calories, therefore that's probably why it seems so little to you, but around 1500 is a good weight loss number of calories for a woman.
  • right now, I just "cheat" a little everyday by having a little controled treat, but before I used to have a "cheat" day on saturday, where I wouldn't snack unconsciously, I would still have my meals at the same time, but I could have, for example, fried chicken or an hamburger for lunch. or a donut for breakfast. or a…
    in "cheating" Comment by ritadani May 2010
  • the reason for this post is that it is dangerous to have less than 1200 cals a day. it puts your body into starvation mode, and you can't possibly get all the necessary nutrients.
  • I actually just went through that this weekend. my sister found out my fat clothes, and asked me if they were put aside because they were too small (wtf?) or too big. when I told her, I added that I wasn't sure if they were still too big, since I gained a lot of weight back, and she made me try a pair of jeans on. and it…
  • I think you might be eating too little. 1200 is the minimum you should be eating, and that is usually if you don't exercize. if you are only eating that and having 500+ calories burned by exercise, your body is trying to get nutrients and fat from every food you eat and don't burn, so it keeps its strength. you probably…