

  • I'm happy to go at it with you ..... althought I'm trying to not burn myself out on it. I'm kinda of a all or nothing kind of gal and I couldn't tell you how many times I've started something being all gung ho and burnt myself out really quick. I tend to kick myself around if I don't do something exactly like it's suppose…
  • I had a gal give me this advice regarding shin splints. She was in the service and quickly had to find a way around shin splints when she was in basic training and running alot. Stand with your feet slightly apart. Turn your right foot/toes toward your left foot/toes and tap your toes on the right foot but leave your heel…
  • Thanks everyone. KatApple: I made a quilt for my son out of all of his baseball t-shirts. I have a picture somewhere. I will try to post it for you.
  • OH WOW....look at your cute little waist! Good job. I've always wanted to try C25k but afraid to do it. I'm not a runner either but I love to walk. Keep up the good work.:smile: Deb
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