C25K Buddies?

I am going to be starting C25K this week and would love to some MFP buddies that have already gone through the program or who are also in the early stages of it. :)


  • 1life2live_cjg
    I did this with my p.e class last year and it was great. I was amazed at how much I enjoyed running afterwards :)
  • debduv
    debduv Posts: 5
    I'm happy to go at it with you ..... althought I'm trying to not burn myself out on it. I'm kinda of a all or nothing kind of gal and I couldn't tell you how many times I've started something being all gung ho and burnt myself out really quick. I tend to kick myself around if I don't do something exactly like it's suppose to be done and then I get discourage and quit.

    Maybe with some "buddies", I can get through it.

    Thank you.