

  • Thanks for the advice Laura. I think this weekend I will take the time to not only pre plan but also shop to the plan. I think this might be the key to better success. I also do not use up my exercise calories if possible but know if I need to have a little extra they are there. What a wonderful group this is!…
  • Good morning to all. I have now logged on for 10 days. I have not lost an ounce but I am ok with that. I like that I can commit to documenting my intake and know that I am eating healthier. Now I just have to find a little more energy after work to walk a little longer without over exserting myself. I have SLE and am on…
  • I was also wondering if anyone else starts with 1200 cal? My exercise is limited at the moment to yoga and light walking. I am also only 5'1.
  • I was also wondering if anyone else starts with 1200 cal? My exercise is limited at the moment to yoga and light walking. I am also only 5'1.
  • I should be more specific, I like the profile photo's of the dogs soooo cute! Does anyone know how to figure out a meal from remaining points. I report all my food for breakfast lunch and snacks and end up with 690 or 700 cal left. Is their a place that you can enter the amount and it will give you some suggestions?
  • I love your profile photo, how cute is that. I just started to and learning as I go. I think my goal is really just to be more healthy.
  • Hello ladies, I will hit the big 50 this year and really want to start taking better care of my self. I do not have large weight loss goals but really need to watch what I am taking in. It makes me more accountable to better health. I have recently been diagnosed with an illness and want to use all the tools available to…
  • Hi Mary, I'm new as well just started on Monday. Good luck to you! I believe this is a wonderful tool to help remind ourselves to look out for ourselves.