
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Mayabe the dietician meant 12 x your ideal weight? in my dreams that would be 12 x 109 = 1308, but then minus 510 would be 798, way below the 1200 calorie minimum for good nutrition and into starvation-hang-onto-every-gram-of-fat mode... :)

    If I eat all my exercise calories I GAIN! I eat some, but try to keep a deficit of at least 250 cals per day, ideally 500. Pretty close to resulting in the exepcted half pound or more a week.
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    Jackie--hope your mum improves daily.

    I try to eat my exercise calories but don't always manage it. At least I check to see where I am at the end of the day and if I have not eaten at least 1200 calories (my suggested cals without exercise is 1350) I make sure to eat something. Have been watching my weight for two months now and on MFP for 2 1/2 weeks, and I have lost 13 pounds total, five of which since starting MFP, which tells me that it is important for me to eat a certain amount or I won't lose at the rate I want.

    I do want to make permanent changes in my eating habits. Since starting I have realized how often I ate in certain contexts--television, reading--when I really wasn't hungry. Have gotten very aware of when I am really hungry now, which is a good thing!!

    Continued good luck to all!

  • rosy54
    rosy54 Posts: 46
    Morning all, every day I wake up with good intentions ~ finish laundry, prepare a weekly meal plan, exercise, clean house, etc. etc. but for the past week or so something has always come up where I seem to be accommodating others more than myself! :grumble: Have any of you every been in that situation? Today I just might not answer the telephone! This is Day 3 for me and I'm finally getting used to the MFP site.

    My DD is sick at home with a respiratory virus that is going around and she'll probably be away from school for the remainder of the week, so today I'll take my little grandsons to daycare for her. The two little ones had the same virus last week so I watched them for her. I sure hope I don't get sick (see above for my good intentions). :laugh:

    Jackie, I'm sending healing thoughts to your DM and hope she heals quickly. Both my DM and DMIL broke their hips a few years ago and needed help for quite awhile.

    Well, I must get ready to head over to my DD's home. Loved the posts yesterday about eating exercise calories ~ have a wonderful day, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    LaurelFisher(Rose) – I’m glad you are doing the Biggest Loser’s at work. If it is a good program, I bet you will loose at least 10 pounds during it.

    Mary – Congratulations on loosing inches. I do think your calves are gaining muscle due to all the swimming you are doing.

    Rosy - Hang in there. It is really hard when you get started and you have family around and family stuff to do. Whether it’s kids or grandkids it makes it harder. Take some vitamin C for the next few days and drink lots of herbal tea. Hopefully, it will keep you from getting what they got.

    Jackie – Sorry to hear about your Mom. My Dad broke his hip in 2003 and it was a long and difficult road to get him back up and going again. It can be done. They have so many kinds of walkers and other balance aids now for the elderly, so at least you have more options now than if this had happened years ago.

    I have too many doctor appointments for my DD and my DM today to go to work. It's a good think I have so many sick leave hours banked just for times like these. So, I am sitting here planning too many things to do with my few hours until the doctors visits start: parent's taxes, clean the house, do the dishes, exercise, walk the dogs. Oh what to do first? I've over planned what little time I have.

    DD will be off crutches within a week or two. She is getting more mobility back everyday. Mom is getting a biopsy today to see if she has cancer. She took the news of the possiblity pretty good. She said she can't live forever and she has already outlived most of her siblings and friends, so she will just wait and see what happens and not worry about it too much.

    Again to all of you who are in need, I know that I've missed a lot of news about what is bothering you or what is going on in your lives since about the middle of March. Please know that you are in my thoughts and I hope that everything works out for all of us. Life just keeps coming at us and we just have to keep up with it.

    Have a great day,

  • Good morning to all. I have now logged on for 10 days. I have not lost an ounce but I am ok with that. I like that I can commit to documenting my intake and know that I am eating healthier. Now I just have to find a little more energy after work to walk a little longer without over exserting myself. I have SLE and am on steroids so I am really happy I haven't gained weight. Yeah me!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies. It was not that long ago I was one of you coming on board and finding this great group of women. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: Lost a POUND! omg, finally the scale moved. Thanks to FabulousFifty for the skinny Wednesday motivation, to double my efforts for the day: double exercise, increase the water intake (within reason) and no snacking after supper. For me also, NO WINE.

    I know for myself I have to step it up a notch otherwise I am just 'coasting', which is pleasant for the moment, but does not help in attaining my goal and is quite unsatisfying in the long run.

    In response to the "eating exercise calories", I am trying to find a balance myself. Eating them makes me gain weight. I do always ensure to stay with ~1200 to 1300 calories of food intake. I find MFP over-estimates calories burned, so I fiddle with that part now.

    Have a great day, my MFP friends. You are my lifeline.:heart::heart: Hugs:heart::heart: Rebel
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member

    for some reason when I saw your name today I couldn't hold back the tears. You see that was what my mother was called and you spell it just like she did. She left this plane 3 years ago the day after Christmas. I had tickets to fly down and planned to visit and shop with her on January 7th.but she couldn't wait that long. She had a better place to go. I miss her so much and when I saw your name all those pent up feelings just poured out. Oh well now I think I will go work of some of this melancholy with a lot of calorie burning. I hope you all have a great day.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning to All,

    Last night had computer problems again:grumble: , but was finally able to finish reading everyones comments since yesterday.

    Madgoth, you should try bringing snacks to work that you know are good for you and will fit into your calories for the day, also prelog them in, that's what I do and it helps.:drinker:

    Heather - Hope you get well soon:flowerforyou: Pre planning my eating for the day works best then I know what I'm looking forward to for the day.

    Terri- Good job:bigsmile: on the 4/10 loss, every little bit gets you closer to the goal....Now why would they put the No Housework day on a week day...everyone knows most of us do it on the weekend, I want a No Housework Weekend:sad:

    Vicki M- I try and keep my calories around 1000, at 4'11" anything more and I don't lose.:sad: When I want to maintain I will gradually up the calories to see where they need to be to stay put...but I still have a ways to go to get there, so in the meantime I will exercise to lose and keep the calories in check.

    Jackie- So glad your Mum came through her surgery, healing thoughts and prayers going your way.:smile:

    Mary- :flowerforyou: Yeah you on lost inches.

    Rebel- Congrats on that lost pound:flowerforyou:

    I'm hoping that this is the day that my body decides to make a jump down:wink: this weight loss process takes patience and I'm in for the long haul.

    Everyone have a great day:drinker:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I thought you'd all want to know that the first thing I did with my time off this morning is walk the dogs for 15 minutes. lol Life does have it's priorities.

    Heather - Logging in is half the battle. It took me a month of logging in before I started to see trends and wasted calories. Hang in there and good luck.

    Now, off to the taxes and housework. :sad: :grumble:

  • Good morning all:
    I can hardly believe that next week my baby graduates from High School!! My how the time flies by, many good times! On May 19th he leaves for the Army for 10 weeks..........my heart is going in so many directions!!! my brain is telling me food will make everything better...........but I know it won't..........I have to be strong!!!
  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone! So many posts from newbies....welcome all as you have come to a great place for support.! I'm on my way to work and just wanted to post before I go. So many different variations on eating excercise calories! I usually always eat mine and I've been here 2 months and have lost 8 pds so I guess I'm doing OK. I find that if I don't eat them at around 7PM after dinner I feel really hungry again so I usually grab some walnuts or cottage cheese and eat because its a miserable feeling to sit and try to relax and feel hungry....especially since you have worked hard to eat right and excercise!

    I did my schedule for next week and it looks like I have 10-12 hour workdays for the next couple weeks....that means I get alot of excercise at work because I'm running all day but I'm too tired to get any other excercise like even a walk outside for half an hour. I'm up at 4:30AM so my plan is to continue to bring my own food to work and come home and take a nap and drag myself up and walk outside for half and hour at least.....This will be such a challenge to me because I looked at menus and I will be around lots and lots of incredible fattening food at work and I plan to not eat any of it....in the past I nibbled and picked at everything and thats why I have this extra weight to take off.

    Happy and healthy day to everyone....I wish I could comment on all posts but no time...its remarkable to me how many of you are all determined and motivated to be healthy and especially with the busy lives and unexpected things that happen to all of us that can throw you off track!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Just checking ... I'm at work and BORED and don't want to do what I have to do.
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning all:
    I can hardly believe that next week my baby graduates from High School!! My how the time flies by, many good times! On May 19th he leaves for the Army for 10 weeks..........my heart is going in so many directions!!! my brain is telling me food will make everything better...........but I know it won't..........I have to be strong!!!

    Chrissy - - You are strong in so many ways! Best of luck to your son, and may he find who he is, and what path in life to take, from his service. Please keep sharing with us.

  • Thanks for the advice Laura. I think this weekend I will take the time to not only pre plan but also shop to the plan. I think this might be the key to better success.

    I also do not use up my exercise calories if possible but know if I need to have a little extra they are there.

    What a wonderful group this is!

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    It is great reading about how all of you are doing. Makes my evening before I go to bed when I have had a busy day. I did want to share that I did my monthly measuring yesterday, and even though I have lost very little weight, I continue to lose inches. Except in my calves, which are increasing. So, do you think that instead of losing weight I am gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat, or do you think that is a cop out? Just wondering.

    Anyway, everyone have a good night's sleep and hope tomorrow goes well for you. Here's to smart choices!

    Most definitely!! Great job, Mary!!!! Keep it up.

    I just read an interesting report in a Prevention magazine advertisement...It said...

    "A landmark study at Georgia State University found that people who took in a lot fewer calories then they burned were actually fatter than people whose calories were more "balanced." In fact, the study found that the most weight loss occurred when the difference between calories consumed and calories burned was in the narrow range between 300 and 500 calories.

    But here's the real amazing part: The study found that at any given time, it doesn't matter if you eat fewer calories than you burn or if you eat more calories than you burn. It only matters that the difference with within this 300-to-500-calorie range!"

    The article goes on but in essence it boils down to this your body's metabolism...our bodies are designed to burn fat in times of plenty...and store fat in times of famine. In keeping your calories stable and keeping them in line with what you burn (300-500 calories below or above what you are burning to stay alive and exercise) is supposed to keep your body from going into feast or famine mode.


    :heart: Terri :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Let me tell you about my day:
    The electricity apparently went off during the night, and I never knew, so alarm didn't go off as planned. Got up a little too late for work, but still could make it. Discovered one of my cats had broken my bottle of balsamic vinegar during the night. What a lovely smell and mess! Rushed around and left the house. Husband's car was supposed to go to the shop to get brakes - I forgot to take him. He had to prevail on a friend at work to get there. I got to work, and during the first class, took a sip of my hot tea. Hmmm, it was lukewarm. My handy dandy water heater/cooler had apparently got flipped off by the electricity. So, lukewarm tea for the day. During the second class, I was supervising students taking state math assessments. One poor girl got very frustrated and was yelling at her computer and me, in tears, ready to quit school. Took me 20 minutes to calm her down enough to try to take the test. I start realizing that I don't feel very good. Oh, yeah! I never took any of my medicine in the rush to leave the house! So - arthritis is flaring, blood sugar is high, and allergies are kicking in, causing me to sneeze almost continually. During lunch, I look in my purse, where I am supposed to have extra meds. Lo and behold, it is dated 2005! So much for that idea. After lunch the day continues. One of my students apparently stole the other's $300 Ipod touch. As of the end of the day, still not found. Another student ran out of medication today, and is getting wild. I finally took him out to walk the track at one point just to get him to keep his hands off of people. After school, when I was supposed to leave, the teacher was off dealing with a state assessment problem and forgot that she left a student who had detention in the room, so I got stuck at work late. Then hubby called to tell me that the car is not fixed and I need to pick him up. I had to cancel my swim. I was so tired, the answer to what I had for supper is Subway. I never eat out! And now I still need to clean up broken glass and vinegar.
    That being said, I am in a pretty good mood and just glad that my troubles are so minor. My husband insisted on buying a lottery ticket on the way home. I said "With our luck today??" He said "Well, we haven't wasted any good luck yet, maybe there is a lot left in the day!"
    Everyone have a great evening, and remember, days like this are just to remind us how good we really have it!!
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    What a day! I think Subway is a decent choice.... (depending on which sandwich)
    My son always uses his cell phone to wake him - - citing possible power loss as his reason. Hmmmmmmmm
    I laughed about the vinegar and cats - sorry! Probably bothers their sensitive noses more than yours.
    Tomorrow HAS to be better, yes?
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Wow, Mary. You deserve a hug or two...or five! Good for you for maintaining and not going for the nearest candy bar or whatever is your weakness. Really, you did an awesome job considering the challenges. I hope tomorrow is a better day. Bound to be!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    The sandwich was chicken breast, so it was fine. I have now finished cleaning up the vinegar mess. And yes, I think it is funny too. While I was cleaning up the vinegar, the poodle knocked over my container of spicy pretzels. Things must be looking up - it didn't come open! :smile:
    I should probably go straight to bed, but it appears that I am still up. I need to talk myself into loading the dishwasher now. That and the highlight of the day, find a snack! :happy:
  • Wow Mary... what a day..:frown: but you handled it so well..... I don't think I would have been that cheerful... you have an awesome outlook.. Now I will keep my fingers crossed for that lottery ticket.... :bigsmile: you just never know.... and remember you can't win if you don't play... or at least that is what my husband is always telling me.. lol

    Well you guys have really motivated me to get off my back side and start walking...:flowerforyou: . I did not like this exercise being made public at first... but it sure has done something for me...:glasses: I sit here and read how much all of you are doing... and today I said if they can do it... then why can't I do it.... the answer... I CAN DO IT..... I just have to get started... Thanks Ladies!
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