

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    What started out to be a miserable weekend ended up being a good Easter, so I'm happy for that. I'm glad the final holiday of the season of chocolate is over (Halloween through Easter). Now we have the cookout holidays to look forward too and it will be a lot easier on all of us.

    This morning I got to sit down at my PC and I had a glass of water instead of a cup of coffee with me. Today is suppose to be my day off of exercise due to working late, but I think I need to do something to help make up for yesterday. lol

    Happy Monday to all and I better get back to work.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Monday, Monday:flowerforyou:

    Busy weekend, not very good :grumble: , will do better this week. I see where a lot of you were pretty good:drinker: glad that someone was....yesterday the Grandson was cute as ever and I will post pictures tomorrow of him with the Bunnie Cake his parents brought for dessert yesterday...and yes it was good:noway: .

    I'm hoping that this week will be back on total track there are no birthdays or holidays in the next few months.

    Have a great day....I updated my posting picture of one of Gerald and Me at the Oregon Coast from last month.

  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    Hello and welcome to all the newbies. To all MFP members who got off their plan over the Holiday:
    It is a new day and a new beginning it is SPRING. The weather has been beautiful here in southeast TX. This has been wonderful for my gardening and gardening sure does burn up ALOT of calories. I have turn over a half acre of land by hand to plant with all kinds of tomatoes, all kinds of peppers, squash, okra, cucumbers, corn, potatoes, strawberries, blueberries and eggplant. I use to raise all kinds of flowers, but decided to start raise my own vegetables. You can not beat the flavor of fresh produce. I also have my own herb garden and still have quiet a few flowers.

    Remember it is a new day.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    That is so wonderful that you plant your own fruits and vegetables. it is beautiful in the south. I am in south Lousiana. WE are probably the closet to each other on this site that I know of. have fun planting and especially eating.

    I finished mowing the lawn. It took me 2 hours and over 900 calories but it is done.the girls had a great time playing while i mowed. I took pics of them in the clover flowers. some of them were as tall as they were. It is done. I will have to mow again in a couple of days because I had to put the mower so high but that is more calories. Why cant I be this good all the time. oh well. Have a good day ladies. i am getting ready to eat my grilled talipia and brussel sprouts.
    Vicki M
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Happy Monday All,

    I will not even pretend to be able to respond to all the posts. Great to hear from so many new women, welcome to our neighborhood. For those of you who are new, I am and older poster, but do not post often as I work unusual hours. I am a lurker in that I read and follow the thread but don't post often.

    Easter was wonderful. Sunrise service, church breakfast, and the all service Easter egg hunt. The grandkids had a wonderful time, so did Grandma. The Gkids and I made Easter cookies the night before. I try to have them do something for every holiday that is made for, or given to someone else. We had a great time, and suprisingly the three year old was very attentive and careful and was quite proud to bring his cookies to the Easter table. His older sister calls him " Little Buddy ", which is just so sweet.

    I was over my calories yesterday. I did not do to badly considering I cooked most of the day. We did have ham, but also grilled turkey breast, fresh veggies, aspargus, and corn.......and the list goes on. My rings are loose today so I believe I avoided the sodium monster. When you cook you have the option. I had a very small piece of homemade cheese cake, and fresh strawberries, also tried a few bites of Lime in the Coconut pie. It was very good but I think it's light taste is not in keeping with it's ingredients.

    I have injured my shoulder somehow. Count on it I did not workout Sunday, except for a long walk, and I hurt my arm! I am sure it is only in the muscle, but it is very painful. I really can not imagine what I did. I wanted to be raking lawns today. Oh well.
    Onward and upward!

    Hope you all have wonderful todays and even better tomorrows!:heart: Alice
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Ugh, just got my lab results back. First, they ONLY measured my protein. Morons. They should have done a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel and gotten all the numbers including albumin. I'm going to have to go back and get it redone properly. Secondly, my protein levels have DROPPED. Argh!

    Now I have to go see a nutritionist. I'm not sure what that will do for me. I already consume 120 g of protein a day! I think something is going on and I'm not absorbing all the protein I'm consuming and we need to get to the bottom of that. I don't see what a nutritionist is going to do for me except say "consume more protein".
  • anotheryrolder
    Marking my place here. Have been away from home for way too long and then invaded by company. Afraid to get on the scale, but will tomorrow when I hit they gym and get back to normal.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Mimi7--Welcome. I missed saying so in my last post.

    rjadams--Your avatar photo is S-O-O-O CUTE. :heart: What an adorable doggie. I have three, so I know canine cuteness:bigsmile: when I see it. Glad to hear you lost despite the Easter festivities.:drinker: :drinker:

    Zaza--Thank you for the birthday wishes. Just climb back on the wagon. We are all standing by to pull you in!!:flowerforyou:

    Kathy (pmjsmom)--Sorry to hear your youngest is giving you fits. Sometime people have to make their own mistakes in order to learn from them. It is tough when mom already knows it is a mistake. I hope you can maintain communication with her so she knows that if she needs support and has to come back home, you will be there for her.

    Vicki-Thanks for the feedback on the total gym. I know they have evolved over the years. From what I could see during the infomercial and in the website video, there is not much "changing things around" to switch between exercises, which is a selling point for me, as well as the amount of space needed for use and for storage. I wish I didn't have to wait another week for it to be here!! I will keep you posted. Good luck with your lawn. Stories like that make me glad I live in a condo!! IMO--yardwork=:devil: :laugh: :laugh:

    Laura--Great pic. Lucky you--ya managed to get a picture at the beach with SUNSHINE in it--a rare commodity around here lately.

    Kerry--Your Max (in the photo) is a cutie. After reading about your plans for your garden, I feel an urge to visit Texas!! Veggies sound yummy!!! Happy gardening.

    Alice--Sorry to hear about your arm. Hope you mend quickly.

    MacMadame--Too bad your medical practitioner can't figure out how to do a proper testing panel for you. I hope you don't have to pay twice to get the right test.

    Went to a meeting today and met a lot of the people I will be working with. The meeting room had coffee, bottled water, licorice, dishes of chocolate candies (YIKES!!) and unsalted peanuts and bananas. I brought my own snacks, a hardboiled egg, a clementime tangerine. Did have two bottles of their water and a few peanuts.

    Then I came home and had a late lunch of Miso soup with udon noodles. Yum.

    Have to get off here and get some things done.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Hi ladies, Me again.
    I just finished watching Dr. Oz. I tape him and watch when I can. I love his show. Anyway my point is today he talked about different diets for different people They can actually do a DNA test to see which type you are. you take a swab and send off to lab and for about 150 dollars they tell you which type of diet is best for you to follow. He also gave some ways to tell without the DNA test. the types of diets are
    Low FAt
    Low Carb
    you can go to Dr Oz.com if you want more info on this. I found it interesting.
    Just wanted to share with those that are interested.
    I just ate my supper and am going to ride my bike while waiting for hubby to get home from work.
    i had grilled chicken, black beans and green beans.
    have about 200 calories left so will have a smoothie later.
    Vicki m
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Well, I'm back from having my mother and sister here for Easter. It was a fun family time, but it felt good to get back to normal today. I made it to the pool tonight and got my swim in, and now that I have said hello to all of you, I feel that my day is complete! Happy Monday to all!

    And a special welcome to Mary - glad you found us! from Mary
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Five days into the month of April and I've lost another pound. So HOPEFULLY I have broken through this latest plateau.

    Heading to Laguna Beach tomorrow for a week with girlfriends and then spending the week after that doing the bluebonnet tour in Texas Hill Country with my feller, so I have no idea when I'll get another chance to post. It could be upward of 2 weeks. Hoping to maintain and not gain during the interim.

    Check in with you ladies when I can. Hugs, Susan
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Just finished Easter dinner with the fam. It was wonderful. Only 6 of us this time. #2 son not here and SIL sick. Went over with my calories, but not by a whole lot. Ham sure skyrockets over that sodium threshold pdq! Will need to drink lots of water tomorrow.

    :yawn: gnight.......zzzzzzz:yawn:

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    MacMadame--Too bad your medical practitioner can't figure out how to do a proper testing panel for you. I hope you don't have to pay twice to get the right test.
    It wasn't my normal provider. It was someone covering for her while she was out. I'm going to call tomorrow and complain!
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    Good Morning.
    Vicki M(Vickim26) – I do think we are the closet to each other on this site. I live about 50 miles from the TX and LA border. I know there are some members from the Dallas, TX area. There are a few people from the weight loss clinic I go to on here also. They are mostly lurkers. I do like to plant fruits and vegetables you just can not beat the flavor from produce straight out of the garden. Are you surprised at how many calories you can burn just doing manual labor around the house? Thank you for the information of Dr. Oz.com.

    AliceLMS – I know what you mean about responding to all the postings. I was a lurker too in that I read and follow the thread but don’t post often. I am trying to do more postings. I know how the postings of others have motivated and encourage me to stay on track. I am sure sorry about your injury to your shoulder. Hope it is healing.

    MacMadame – I hope you get you lab work correctly done.

    Anotheryrolder (Faye) – I hope you are back to normal. Remember today is a new day.

    Weaklink109 (Barb) – Yes, my MAX is a very, very spoiled boy. He thinks he is my human son. We do have a lot of fruits and vegetables from the valley here in TX almost all year long, but I would rather raise my own. Gardening does burn A LOT of calories. I enjoy the sun and fresh air.

    Msh0530 (Mary) – I glad you enjoyed your visit with your mother and sister for Easter, but I do know what you mean about getting back to a normal routine.

    Suezzque (Susan aka SuzyQ) – Congratulations on breaking you plateau. I am on a plateau myself and I am not happy. I hope to break mine this week with all my gardening work I have been doing. I reached my halfway point to my goal weight, so about two weeks ago I increased by calories to 1200. I was just eating about a 1000 calories but I was losing about 4 pounds a week. I thought I would give my body a rest since I have lost 69 pounds in 5 months. I may have to go back to the 1000 calories if I do not lose any weight this week. The bluebonnets in the Texas Hill Country are beautiful this time of year. They look like a sea of blue water all over the hill sides. I hope you have a fun and safe trip.

    RebelRenny (Rebel) – Today is a new day. I too had to much salt on a piece of grilled chicken. We will be drinking extra water today.

    I am going to do my 5 mile walk today for exercise. It is very early in the morning 3.42AM getting sleepy. So good luck on your journey today you are not alone.

  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    Hi ladies, Me again.
    I just finished watching Dr. Oz. I tape him and watch when I can. I love his show. Anyway my point is today he talked about different diets for different people They can actually do a DNA test to see which type you are. you take a swab and send off to lab and for about 150 dollars they tell you which type of diet is best for you to follow. He also gave some ways to tell without the DNA test. the types of diets are
    Low FAt
    Low Carb
    you can go to Dr Oz.com if you want more info on this. I found it interesting.
    Just wanted to share with those that are interested.
    I just ate my supper and am going to ride my bike while waiting for hubby to get home from work.
    i had grilled chicken, black beans and green beans.
    have about 200 calories left so will have a smoothie later.
    Vicki m

    There is also a book called "Eat right for your type" based on your blood type. Different people respond to different foods. It also talks about what exercise your blood type responds to. Example: I'm "O" and am supposed to have lots of protein and no wheat with physical exercise. My DIL is "A" and she is supposed to have lots of veggies and do yoga type exercise. It was recommended to me by my naturopath. I found it very interesting. NINE days till April 15 and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    Vicki and Louise:

    I saw the Dr. Oz show yesterday and found it really interesting. Did you see the part where you can kind of determine which diet you should be on based on three questions? According to that I should be on a low carb diet with more protein and to me this makes sense. I am also Type O blood which also does better on higher protein. So....I am going to switch things up a bit and see what happens. Especially since I have been following MFP faithfully for three months and have not lost a pound.

    Believe it or not, even my cardiologist recommends higher protein and low carb to some of his heart patients. Have any of you tried a soy protein to up the daily protein?

    Have a great day!!
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone ..... A Quick dash in here before ....:sad: I dash back to hospital.
    My breakfast today is not what MFP would suggest ... :noway: a chocolate bounty bar and ...this was OK ...water!!!
    Mum fell early this morning so we had a swift ride to A&E in the ambulance. One broken hip and now awaiting an op. to replace
    That should be tomorrow and then we hope for the best!!! Thank goodness for our NHS!! As a family I think we've had our money's worth and more.Nothing but excellent care over the years.
    I've nipped home and ...sorry about this...had two fried eggs on toast!!!
    No exercise planned but can forsee :wink: quite a lot of corridor walking and... I really should do this... stair climbing!!!
    We hope it's not going to be a long and painful haul back to normal ..... anyone know usual recovery time for hip replacement?

    so ....BFN
    :heart: Jackie
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    Just giving an update. I am a pastor, so this Easter one was a busy one, and I was afraid I would fall off the wagon, so to speak, but I was able to limit myself to an iced cookie, fruit, and oj at the Easter Egg Hunt and a biscuit, jelly, and fruit at the Easter breakfast. For Easterl lunch we went out to a restaurant that didn't have a buffet, so I was able to order a petite sirloin, asperagus, and potatoes and stay within the plan.

    Yesterday was another potential sabotage time--opening day of baseball, and we had tickets. Took in flavored water, mini-rice cakes, honey-roasted peanuts, low-fat popcorn, and almonds. I checked the calories ahead of time and knew that the popcorn was almost nothing but that I could only let myself eat 1/4 cup of nuts. Success. Then last evening was the NCAA finals with my alma mater playing for the championship, and I don't know how I managed through that nail-biter with only a small glass of wine.

    Anyway, as you call keep reinforcing, this is a lifestyle change, and I was thrilled this morning to fit into capris I couldn't wear last year and that I actually looked thinner!

    Thanks to all for the mutual support!!! And ps, am also a dog lover, and have golden retriever puppy who eats anything in reach. Not sure she would go for MFP, though!
  • LifeAfter50
    Hello Everyone

    Well I must confess I did not do so well over the weekend. :mad I had to many of the wrong foods :devil: ...Although I did drink a lot of water :wink: and I did not eat any chocolate or candy for Easter... :happy: Yea for me!! So I'm proud of that accomplishment :bigsmile:

    It was so much fun watching my 2 yr old granddaughter hunting for the easter eggs... she was such a delight :heart:

    I have been really good in drinking my water ..:smile: .now I must learn to plan my meals ahead and work that plan.:grumble:

    Everyone is talking about planting ... I must get busy and plant some tomatoes .. Nothing better in the summer than a fresh tomato sandwich :love: and oh yea that wonderful taste of the heart of a sweet watermelon :smile:

    Wishing good health to everyone
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    In the US usually five days in the hospital, one to three weeks in a rehab facility, and then oupatient rehab for maybe another four week.