

  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good Afteroon Everyone ..... on this Easter Sunday. The weather isn't good here for the holiday, send some sun here please Viv, so it looks like another day in.
    We haven't planned to have a big family meal today ... all the Chocolate eggs were distributed last weekend ...at least we haven't all that chocolate staring us in the face all week!!! I hope everyone is enjoying their Easter.

    :frown: I hope the day will be a bit more cheerful than yesterday evening . Not sure whether you have "Dr Who" over in the US/Canada , Viv... you'll know who I mean ... anyway we seem to have his "Tardis" here. My mum can go into her bathroom and come out minutes later a different person, in a different mood, in a different time /dimension!!!! ...... perhaps this dementia thing is just a Time machine!!!
    :mad: Yesterday evening she came out in such a bad mood (unusual for her). She didn't live with us, she was being kept a prisoner, she was going to complain to?? but after tea (not lost her appetite then!) I manicured her nails, sent her off to the loo again and ....hey presto....:heart: She's back!! Phew!!! ..... maybe the start of another stage to look forward to.:sad:

    :grumble: Today .. the scales weren't working properly ....as I hadn't quite got back to where I want it to be!!! Bad work man .. oops! ..person..blames their work tools comes to mind!! Still the food log has been done and I'll try ...honest. If I fail .... at least I can be used as an example of how not to do it!! I MUST STICK TO THE LOG AND EXERCISE!!!

    :heart: Jackie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Easter and Happy Passover and Happy Sunday,

    DD just got off the bike, so it is time for the PT exercises. I hope to jump back in later and do a proper post.

  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks for the advice, MacMadame. I'm loving the cycling workouts. Went out for 1 1/2 hours today with a friend - a few challenging hills, but beautiful scenery!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello all, I would like to join this thread. My 50 birthday is in May. (one of my motivations) My first wedding anniversary to my third and final husband is May 2nd and I would like to weigh at least what I did last year on that wedding day. I gained 13 pounds during the year because I was laid off a week after we got back from our honeymoon. Job hunting is depressing and stressful. so in February I got off my butt and started working out. I found this sight when searching for calorie content on some food. I love it. I am a meal planner. I spend all morning Sunday planning out what I will eat and what exercise I will do all week. I stick to it. I am doing really well so far. I am starting April with a CW of 170 and would love to be 165 by the end of the month. My other goal is to be able to job for 5 minutes at a time so eventually I can run with my Bodi pup. I hope you all are having or had a great Easter.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, RJ
    You have come to the right place. I began my journey on MFP just like you (looking for the calorie count on a food). My motivation was on the 20th anniversary to my second and final husband.......we both woke up that day and said we looked like Roley and Poley so we made a change that day. It's good that you didn't wait as long as we did. It took me 12 months to lose 70 pounds and today I feel like a new woman. DH lost over 40 pounds and is now even more sexy and adorable. Now we call ourselves Slim and Slimmer. Planning all our meals ahead of time and logging them on MFP helped me. Staying in touch with the women on this thread gave me the motivation and encouragement I needed. We will love to hear about your food and exercise and your feelings and frustrations. Your face-to-face friends may not have the endless patience to hear all about your weight loss journey day after day. We love to hear it and we'll share back to you.....your pup is adorable......I don't run with my poodles but I take them on long brisk walks.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Back on the subject of "irrational ideas about food" is the idea that holidays are somehow a good reason to ignore everything you know about moderation and health and Pig Out on too much of the wrong foods.
    but that's only my opinion:laugh:

    :bigsmile: Jackie, I love your stories about your mum.......I've had the experience of watching my mother change in similar ways and someone told me "If you're going to laugh about this later, why not start now?" It looks like you've already figured that out.

    :flowerforyou: mimi, welcome to the thread......I know it's possible to stick to your plan while traveling if you make it your top priority. We took two long trips last summer and I lost 5 pound each of those months........I met my friends for long walks or to do errands at a bunch of stores instead of to sit for hours and eat meals.......we brought food to peoples houses and cooked dinner for them instead of taking them out to dinner
    we served stuff like broiled chicken, roasted veggies, and great salads. We brought our own breakfast food and fixed breakfast in hotel rooms and in our motorhome. We never said "Oh, we're on vacation, let's eat" We found places to walk and ways to exercise and we posted all our food and exercise on MFP. When we didn't have wifi, we wrote everything down (if you eat the same foods regularly, you already know the calorie count so you can still keep track). Never, never, never give up:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Rose, I am so glad to hear from you.....I've missed you and look forward to having you post regularly again.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I went swimming in the ocean today. It was very cold and I got hypothermia! But I survived (obviously). I wrote about it here:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome all newbies!

    We ate light as far as a 'holiday meal' went. Ham, salad, mashed potatoes, applesauce, deviled eggs. While that may seem like a lot, it is light as compared to previous years. I beefed up the salad with sliced fresh veggies and three kinds of lettuce. We don't even have any desserts other than what the Easter Bunny brought. EB was selective this year and bought less but better quality candies for the shared basket that miraculously appeared on the kitchen table this morning.

    Other than that it is just a lazy Sunday getting ready for another work and school week.

    I hope to get an extra 30 minutes on the exercise bike this evening.

    Enjoy your day!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I don't really celebate Easter so today was okay food wise. Yesterday was a challenge. I wanted biscuts and gravy. Not bad calorie wise but a whopping 1600 mg of sodium. Then DH wants a seafood feast for dinner and gets lobster, king crab and steamer clams. he also bought a new artisan bread call pepper and bleu cheese. I figured what I would normally eat and it would have made my total over 4600mg of sodium. I cut back some and made it thru the dinner and day at 3600mg. I figured I would be up in water weight today and I was. but only a pound. I really think that drinking copius amounts of water help with the sodium. I really watch the sodium because I have slightly elevated BP. Quitting smoking last November and cutting way back on alcohol really helped with that but I am hyper aware of sodium in foods now anyway. So today I was trying to really be careful. DH brings out a tray of cheese, salami, olives and cheese bread. I am happy to report I want and made my PB and J and ignored him. (well i did have one olive) :wink:

    I hope things go well next week. Thanks all for the welcome.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Having a good food day so far today. My regular yoghurt/apple/flaxseed breakfast, my regular cream-cheese sandwich on Squirrilly (no flour) bread for lunch with loads of veggies, an orange for a morning snack and a Glutino Organic Bar (100 calories) for afternoon snack. I also did my morning 25 minute run/walk (it's around the block, 2.7 km to be exact). I can run a little further now and walk the rest of the way. This afternoon it was grocery shopping, laundry and ironing. For supper will have some chicken soup and not sure what else yet, perhaps a salad.

    I would really like to see that scale move DOWN. So far it's been stuck on the same for more than a month.:grumble: :grumble:

    I am going to try out the 30-day Shred DVD, once I get it from the library. If I like it I will buy it.

    :smile: Last evening the Victoria Symphony at the Royal Theater was wonderful. The Canadian College of Performing Arts students participated in some of the Broadway musicals. We enjoyed it immensely. Tonight we might go to the Imax, but I am getting pretty tired, and may just want to stay home and read.

    :bigsmile: Tomorrow we have Easter dinner at our house. The kids are bringing various dishes.

    hugs :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    My goodness!! Welcome to all of the new posters! There are quite a few of them!

    Happy Easter everyone. Hope everyone is having a pleasant day. It is beautiful here, mild and sunny!! Been struggling a bit the last couple of days. Over on my calories...but no one to blame but myself. Tomorrow will have to be a cleanse day to make up for being bad the last two! Oh well. I am keeping the amount of time spent "off the wagon" so to speak to a minimum instead of months at a time...so I will be grateful for that! Have a good night all! :heart: Terri:heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Thanks to spending Saturday evening at the Easter vigil, I slept in this morning instead of going to Mass--lazy doggies and I didn't even make it out of the sack until 11 am!!

    I walked the doggies, but they stayed home while I went to my parents to make Easter dinner. The food was excellent. My friend Rosemary brought deviled eggs, made with Smart Balance mayo and a little mustard,. We also had Waldorf salad, Australian lamb roasted with garlic; red potatoes with a little Mexican blend shredded cheese on top; French green beans with your choice of Applewood bacon bits, or slivered almonds (or both!!:bigsmile:); multi-grain baguette; and at the insistence of my other guest--my platonic friend/neighbor with whom I have been known to go out to dinner with, and who has three dogs of his own (great minds think alike)--we also had a Costco red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, and vanilla ice cream.:noway: We also had red wine. (Rosemary and I believe no good dinner is complete without it!!)

    I cut some cake for my parents to have during the week and sent the remaining half home with the person who had brought it. Lead us not into temptation!! :laugh:

    My parents enjoyed the meal and the company, and I managed to keep my mother out of the kitchen. The only thing she did was put the roast in the oven at noon to save me a trip there and back to do that.

    I got weighed this morning, BEFORE the previously described meal, and I am only a 1/2 lb. up from my lowest weight, so maybe I can make that 55 lb. mark by Tuesday of next week--which will be one year since I joined MFP. My birthday is Tuesday, but as far as celebrating foodwise goes, I am figuring that today covers it. I didn't eat excessively, but I did have a little bit of everything. I wore my SIZE 14 dress pants, just purchased on clearance at Macy's, along with a sweater for a total for BOTH of $15.24!! I LOVE clearance racks!! Found a jacket at Penney's that completed the outfit. Had two people believing the jacket was suede--amazing what they can do with polyester these days--jacket was a 14 also.:smile:

    Last year, I decided the best birthday present I could give myself was to lose 100 lbs. by my next birthday. Well, I still have a ways to go, but I still feel that I have come a long way.

    My birthday present to myself this year was the purchase of an anniversary edition Total Gym, which is supposed to arrive on April 13th--my one year anniversary on MFP. I have looked at a lot of strength training equipment, even purchased some low cost options, but since my fall in January, my balance is not what it used to be, and I needed something I could do a variety of exercises on in such a way that I don't have to worry about falling during the activity. A top of the line total gym can cost around $1000, but I was able to get this one for less than $350. Another consideration was the need for equipment that can easily be folded up and moved when needed and that doesn't take up a lot of space when set up, this fills that requirement and the anniversary edition includes all the attachments I need to have a complete workout. I still have more fat to lose, but I am planning to do some serious firming up during the rest of the process.

    Now that I have my gym equipment coming, I am updating my goals to appear shortly on my signature.

    rjadams--Welcome!! You and I and Barbiecat are all on the west side of the Cascades, along with Kathy (pmjsmom), who is in the Olympia area. I am in SW Washington, Barbiecat is on the Olympic Peninsula, and you are as your profile says "north of Seattle." If it ever stops RAINING, maybe we should all try to meet in a Central location. In terms of distance, it would probably be the Olympia area. Barbiecat and I met in January, when she and her DH were in my area. I had planned a trip for this coming week that would have included stops at her location and Kathy's, but had to postpone it due to some health issues my 94 yr old mom had been having.

    I read your profile, and want you to know, you have come to the RIGHT place. We are always here, ready to listen and support you, and the website is a fantastic tool for tracking your activities. Sometimes the food diary is NOT your friend, but it definitely helps you see where you went wrong.

    Tomorrow I attend the first training session for my new position. Then this next week, I will be starting the online training to re-activate my insurance license. I also have to schedule in a major reorganization of the storage units that I have for myself and my parents. I need to get rid of more stuff from their move, and consolidate us into a smaller unit. The place I use is just up the street from where I live, and they are VERY flexible right now, since they have a fairly high vacancy rate. Since I am not tied to my 40 hr work week job any longer, I finally will have some time to get this done. If my friends don't run fast enough, I will ask some of them for help!! Don't worry, all of my MFP friends live too far away!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    My doggies are passed out in the chair with me and on the ottoman, which makes posting on the laptop a much easier task.

    I didn't say it earlier but, belatedly, Happy Passover. Hope everyone had a good Sunday, whether celebrating Easter or not.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Afteroon Everyone ..... on this Easter Sunday. The weather isn't good here for the holiday, send some sun here please Viv, so it looks like another day in.
    We haven't planned to have a big family meal today ... all the Chocolate eggs were distributed last weekend ...at least we haven't all that chocolate staring us in the face all week!!! I hope everyone is enjoying their Easter.

    :heart: Jackie

    :flowerforyou: Jackie the sunshine didn't last long :frown: By the time I had finished typing the post it was looking a bit cloudy, and by our afternoon walk it was raining (again). Will we ever get any sunshine I wonder.

    Well, it is a rainy bank holiday Easter Monday, so thought I would do a bit of spring cleaning today. Still got lots of laundry to dry from yesterday, and it looks as it doesn't look like I'll able to get it dry outside anytime soon.:frown:

    I went over my calories a little bit yesterday ::frown: : that is despite writing most of it down first thing in the morning. :embarassed: I went to mums for tea - and I mentioned on Friday that I was trying to cut down on unhealthy foods and that I all I would have on Sunday was a cup of coffee and a biscuit. I got the cup of coffee and also some fruit and ice cream and cakes. I ate the ice cream because that couldn't go back in the tub :smile: BUT I didn't eat the French Fancie or the Bakewell Tart - (Have you seen the amount of calories in a bakewell tart !!!) I think I am going to have my work cut out trying to make her see that I don't want all the empty calories and that I am serious about losing weight. ::ohwell: :ohwell: Mind you it was the same a few years ago when I gave up chocolate for lent with a few others from work. Every Sunday she would give me chocolate and every Sunday I reminded her about Lent - she'd just say well no one would know ..... I'D KNOW :angry:

    Anyway because I went over on my calories I thought I had better do a bit of exercise so out came the trampoline and I bounced about a bit for 10 mins Frankie must have wondered what the noise was because he came running up the stairs, poked his nose through my bedroom door and looked all around the room, gave me a strange look and went back downstairs. :bigsmile: It worked though because I was within my calories when I checked again this morning.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie you are so right, what is it about holidays that makes us (me) feel as if we need to treat ourselves with extra food :huh: I still have to be so careful when I see cakes and chocolate bars especially if they are reduced in price - I think ooh that's a bargain I'll buy that. I have to force myself to say NO! NO! NO! It is going to be a slow process, but at least I am thinking about it now. :smile:

    Better make a start - chat again soon. :heart:

    Viv :heart:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    Belated Passover and Easter wishes to all. :flowerforyou: We had a beautiful day here and two of my three kids were home so Easter was good for us.

    I’ve gone off the mfp track, however, between my birthday, the holiday and a little disappointment thrown in here and there ( I shouldn’t complain because I have really been so blessed, but it’s how I’ve felt and I think I just sabotaged myself). Anyway, I am so uncomfortable now that I weigh more than when I started mfp a couple years ago, that I am going back on track big time – as soon as I get off this computer and get moving.

    Before I get off, though, here’s a few shout-outs. Can’t do this all the time – I am too slow on the computer and would never get moving.

    Becky, you made me laugh. I agree w/you about not being sorry you splurged on your anniversary. This is our life and sometimes we just have to put it all in perspective. Happy Anniversary!!:drinker:

    LaurelFisher, congrats on new granddaughter and hope the ailing ‘mothers’ recover quickly. Well done on losing those 6 pounds! Unfortunately, I think they made their way over to me. :ohwell:

    mimi7grands and rjadams, welcome to this wonderful thread. :flowerforyou: I don’t keep up w/it as much as I’d like to, but the ladies here are terrific.

    Jackie, mind if I borrow your mantra: “I MUST STICK TO THE LOG AND EXERCISE!!!”? I have been out of control. I think I just lost my will there for awhile, but I am SO uncomfortable that I, too, MUST STICK TO THE LOG AND EXERCISE.

    weaklink109, Happy Birthday!!! :flowerforyou: I hope it’s as special as you are.

    Finally, dear barbiecat you are such a wonderful constant on this thread – your warmth and encouragement are much appreciated. :flowerforyou: You are also very inspirational for many reasons, especially your weight loss and your relationship w/Jake. Sounds like you are in a very good place.

    Have a great Monday everyone and good luck meeting all your goals!
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good Afternoon everyone..... cloudy, dull and showery here. :indifferent: Typical UK weather then!!
    :noway: Well...I've just realised I didn't weigh myself today!!! Can't comment on the gain...or loss then can I?
    I've logged in the food after our brunch ....OMG!!! ...how many breakfast calories ...627!!! So, now I Know what I have to play with for the rest of the day.
    :noway: I'm not really feeling inclined to do much today. Am I really that lazy? Tell it to me straight ladies ....compared to most of you I think I must be!!! The exercycle has, :embarassed: I am ashamed to admit , not had my "Bum" on it's saddle for weeks!! Even though I have said that was to be my intention.:happy: My grand daughter has been on it - feet don't quite reach the pedals, but with quite a bit of wiggling, can manage to go a few yards!!! My excuse was , when it was in the garden room, that it was too cold out there to use. Now it's in the conservatory.... not sunny enough!! or I'm too achy etc.
    So... what to do? Mum's asleep after her meal,DH is reading and I'm slimming with you guys!!

    :happy: Jeannie, Lavi, MacMadame ..... I admire how you all seem so committed to your exercise regimes ... tires me out just thinking about it. How do you do it?
    :drinker: rjadams ... good to have you with us. Sorry you had the job loss and good luck finding something else. Congrats on the marriage.:heart: DH and I celebrate our 40th anniv. 2011..... ah!!! Love the puppy ...bet he's adorable. Enjoy your MFP ...I know I do.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie .... Thanks for this thread and all your support.
    Terri ... I'm glad to hear that you feel you can get back on the wagon again without too much trouble. i think it's the same wagon that i'm trying o catch most of the time!!!
    :happy: Zaza... Don't be afraid to "Hop" back on the wagon too!! There's quite a few of us on there I think!!!
    :happy: Barb.... Birthday wishes Glad you enjoyed your lie in ... It's great isn't it ...knowing you had a good sleep, then lying there, listening to the birds and the world around you, knowing you can wallow a bit longer!! Way to go on the size 14 outfit. What is that in UK size? Home gym sounds good too. Exercycle is all we have and as revealed it probably has given up on me now!!
    :smile: Viv... your trampoline sounds good too .... not for me though. hope you have some better weather than N.Wales. I'm getting some sun from looking at holidays.... and wishing!

    So... it's bye from me ... as I haven't weighed myself today..:bigsmile: I could well have lost 5lb but then ...maybe not!!!!
    Do enjoy the rest of the day ...do you all have a holiday today as here in the UK?
    BFN then
    :heart: Jackie
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning, everyone. I hope everyone had a good holiday!:flowerforyou:

    Mine was okay. My youngest (18) has told me she is moving to Texas on Friday with some friends. I don't approve and I think its a bad idea but she is determined to go. I hope and pray she changes her mind but I don't think she will. It has depressed me a bit.:cry:

    I went over on my calories both days this weekend--it has been AGES since I did that--and I know it's because I am worrying about Jenny (my youngest) and her decision. I am back on track now and plan on logging EVERY morsel that passes my lips today. I'll worry about tomorrow when it comes!

    Well, the birds were singing when I got up and the sky doesn't look too bad yet. Maybe we'll have a nice day. I sure could use some sunshine!:heart:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I feel so horrible today. I did not gain this week being the same as last Monday - but I had lost a pound during last week by Friday but gained it back over the long weekend. No one to blame but myself. I had not a glass of wine but a whole bottle on Thursday night and then kept on going all weekend long. So I should be thankful that I am not up more.

    My fingers feel like sausages today - so hopefully I can flush that out with lots of water. Ham is so salty. Must just get back on the wagon. I am sure everyone goes through the same thing. Not happy today with my willpower -non-existent as it is.

    Must try not to get too depressed or I eat more. I brought my granddaughters home with me from my mother;s yesterday and they are a delight. They are 9 and 7. We are going to plant some seeds in my greenhouse today. So that should cheer me up.

    Wish me luck to get back in a good mind set and forgive myself for my indulgences.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Me too, the whole bottle of wine Friday night that is. AND the salty ham. And the inadequate exercise... and and and. its back on track today for me!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I drank a lot of wine this weekend too. I didn't have ham but I had seafood and biscuits and gravy. Very salty. I drank so much water all weekend and although I didn't push my workouts I walked alot. I am pleased to say I actually lost a pound over the weekend. I can't believe how well drinking a lot of water helps counter act the sodium. I am so glad that I am tracking that now. Good luck all week everyone. I am sure you all are motivated and can do it. Spring is such a great time for feeling empowered. :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    First let me say welcome and hello to all fo the new people. You will love this site and this ladies. It has been over a year for me and while I still have a ways to go I could not have done it without MFP and these ladies. Just keep posting your exercise and calories and reading each day and you cant go wrong. when I fail to do that I FAIL that day. Which is exactly what I did this weekend. But today is a new day and a new start. I have decided to do one day at a time. I started today with a greek yogurt blueberry smoothie. I am going out to do yard work when I finish posting. The girls will play in yard while I try to clean it up.
    I will do my exercises this afternoon when we come in to rest. it is beautiful here and is supposed to be this way all week as I am told.
    I do not have time or brain power to respond to each post. i kind of skimmed them.
    I do want to say though Barb I have the total gym and love it. I have an older model and I have been contemplating upgrading. the only problem with mine is you have to take a few things apart to change exercises. I believe with the model you got you do not have to do that. I actually enjoy doing mine. I believe you will too. And I think that you can do it every day because you are pulling your own weight. Enjoy. let me know how it is.
    I will go for now. Will let you know later how yard work and exercise went. I am not like most of you ladies. I do not enjoy yard work at all. I do it because it needs to be done, it is good exercise and I love the finished project. Just dont enjoy the process.
    Have a great monday.
    Vicki M
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    :happy: Jeannie, Lavi, MacMadame ..... I admire how you all seem so committed to your exercise regimes ... tires me out just thinking about it. How do you do it?
    I found something I love to do and I don't think of it as exercise most of the time. It's my hobby. Then, on days I don't want to do a particular workout, I have races coming up and I think "if I don't do this, I won't be ready."