keiko Member


  • I did it. What class is it for? I'm just curious.
  • I think you should treat yourself, go out and buy a few things that you feel good in. You've been working hard and deserve to have something for those times you need to dress in more than your work clothes. You don't need to spend alot, maybe a pair of jeans and a couple of nice tops. :flowerforyou:
  • Can you believe this? Yesterday I actually heard someone call licorice a health food because it's fat free. I had to tell them that eating that amount of sugar is not "healthy" a few pieces once in a while is ok but to sit and eat a bag because it doesn't have fat. What kind of healthy is that?
  • I don't think it was harsh or rude either. She never said "everyone has to work out a certain amount of time or do a certain kind of exercise everday" She said everyone should do something. Even people with thyroid problems and diabetes can walk and probably most of their doctors would encourage some kind of exercise.
  • "Choose what you love to do - just do something every day, include both strength training and aerobic training each week and do it on a regular schedule at the same time each day. " That says it all! I enjoyed the post, I like my "habit" and intend to keep at it!
  • Yesterday was W2, D1. The weather was nice and it felt good to get out and run and enjoy it! Looking forward to D2 tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good run whatever day you are on!
  • I've been using this recipe for a few years but never had the nutrition info for it, I'm so glad you posted it! Thanks!
  • There is nothing wrong with starting a new thread, some of those threads have been going for awhile and it's hard to jump into them, especially if you're new. C25K is a good program, I did it a couple of years ago and haven't been running regular for awhile so I started it again this week, finished my day three this…
  • I did read about this diet and thought it was to restrictive, cutting out good, healthy foods. As far as eating healthy before getting pregnant, my DD just went through this and her Dr told her to start on prenatal vitamins to be sure she was getting enough of all the nutrients. Folic acid is especially important as the…
  • Thanks for the laugh! I'm going to learn a foreign language!
  • The Lutein, Zeaxanthin (for eyes), Choline for brain, nerous & cardiovascular systems, are in the yolk. For the full benefit from the egg you might want to switch to one whole egg instead of the two whites. In the research that's been done on Macular Degeneration they did not find a rise in cholesterol/lipid levels in the…
    in eggs Comment by keiko March 2010
  • 10 Health Benefits of Eggs 1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneraton due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from…
    in eggs Comment by keiko March 2010
  • I think since you are in a risk group you should make an appointment with your DR. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented with diet/exercise. You may be in the pre-diabetic stage where prevention is key. I know of two people who were diagnosed at the same time. One listened to the DR and made changes and has avoided…
  • I don't even know what Becel is! If you want something yummy on a baked potato try alittle bit of greek style yogurt. We use the full fat kind because it has more flavor, then we don't use as much. It's way better than sour cream. My husband was not going to eat it and thought it was to expensive. Then he tried it and now…
  • I think she's saying butter is OK! Enjoy! I still use butter on my toast, popcorn, to fry my daily egg. I don't use a half of a stick, but enough for flavor. I'd rather use butter than some chemical concoction or eat dry airpopped popcorn or worse microwave popcorn because it says it's only 100 calories. So I'm with you…
  • Detoxing is not necessary, just get back to your normal eating/exercise routine. Unless you ate poison you don't have any toxins. :flowerforyou:
  • I laughed at the "crack in a tub" remark! I have two tubs in the fridge and just finished one. I"m on a high dose of an antibiotic right now so I'm trying to eat extra. The honey flavor is so good, it makes eating the extra easy. I tried to put honey in the plain but it wasn't the same. I love that "crack in a tub!"
    in Yogurt Comment by keiko February 2010
  • Congratulations! and thanks for being a voice of knowledge and reason, it is much appreciated!
  • Hummus Recipe Ingredients * 4 garlic cloves, minced and then mashed * 2 15-oz cans of garbanzo beans (chickpeas), drained and rinsed Or dried beans that have been soaked * 2/3 cup of tahini * 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice * 1/2 cup water * 1/4 cup olive oil * 1/2 teaspoon of salt * Pine nuts (toasted) and parsley…
  • I am currently taking classes toward a degree in Health Information Technology and coding is part of it. I am taking ICD-9-CM coding this semester. So far I'm finding it very interesting. will give you a lot of information. Here is a link to one of the coding certification sites…
  • I'm still here shredding but with classes starting I haven't had time to post. Today I did L2D2. I'm glad I stopped in yesterday and read the above quotes! The advanced move is easier than the modified! I'm still at my starting weight which is good since I'm at goal. I am hoping I'm toning. I'll do measurements after my 30…
  • I work out 5 days a week but take both Sat/Sun off, I like having the two days together. I've also struggled this winter to get out of bed, especially since the time change. It is so dark outside, I really feel like my body clock is off. I did sleep in a few days right after the time change but have been doing much better…
  • Good Morning Shredders, I went back to level 1, I want to do 10 days at it. Today was day 8. I skipped shredding yesterday to have a run walk on the treadmill. I have not weighed or measured, we've been traveling alot and eating out so I'm not expecting much change. Classes start for me today so that will reign me in. It's…
  • I did L2 D1, I did it by accident, played the wrong workout and it wouldn't let me go back without listening to Jillian talk again. I wish I could skip that part, after hearing it once I don't need to keep hearing it. Level 2 was not to bad but I did stay with Anita, I don't think I'll ever be able to do some of those…
  • L1D7 it felt good to be Shredding again after the weekend off. After reading everyones posts I'm starting to wonder how I can fit in my cardio (walking/running) and shredding. I'm thinking next week I might start cardio MWF, shred on TU, THR, Sat. I haven't done any measurements/weigh, I probably won't till closer to the…
  • L1D6, I'll be out of town for the weekend so I'm taking the weekend off. I'll be back Monday to Shred with you all!:happy:
  • Today was level 1 day 5. It really is getting easier! I'm not as sore as I was those first few days. I'm going to continue with level 1 for 5 more days then move to level 2. :happy: Shredding
  • I'm taking today off from all exercise. I usually take Saturday and Sunday but did shred yesterday. Will be back tomorrow, ready to Shred!
  • My youngest begged me to work so we could eat out at McDonalds like her friend. Now she is thankful for all the homemade food and family meals we had together. Your right about doing prep work and still being able to cook. I had times that I worked and times I didn't but I still cooked. I do think it comes down to…
  • I want your car insurance! and yes, that would be great if our health ins worked that way. My DH was just reading an article that said the foods in fast food restaurants are higher quality than school foods. That is sad. When my kids were little we lived in a small town that had a good hot lunch program, they made most…