

  • Hi all! I'm on day 17 and goes great! I'd love to try P90X but I think I have a long way to go. I'll try P90 Master series first...
  • Hi, I'm on day 17 and goes great. Lost approx. 8 lbs in first week. Can't wait to complete first 30 days and see the results :)
  • Hi everyone! Today is my rest day. I've completed 2 weeks already, YAY!, 11 to go :) I get up at 6:00 everymorning and workout before go to work. But yesterday I was at home and did sweat 1-2 in the afternoon. And made a great difference! I wasn't sleepy as I was before, my muscles were more flexible, I was more energetic…
  • Hi desj16, Great to hear from you! I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one huffing and puffing during the jumping parts of sweat 1-2 :) I'm ok with AbRipper, doing all 100 reps (not easily but can complete them). Can't wait to see some change in my body after 4 weeks of P90. I'll post the before-after pictures... When…
  • Hello all! How are you doing? This is my 12th day of P90. Sweat 1-2 tomorrow, and first to weeks will be over. I didn't missed a day so far. I love sculpt routine, but sweat is still kicking my butt. I use 2kg dumbells with sculpt. I still hate power yoga, but keep doing it. I hope it'll get better in time. Every morning I…
  • i'm proud of myself: yesterday i worked till late (like 2:00 AM), went to bed 2:30 AM. and this morning i managed to get up at 7 o'clock and done sweat 1-2. i was barely able to open my eyes at the beginning but after the workout i felt great! and i got my reward: lost another 2 lbs :D hurray!!
  • today was the 5th day. i did sculpt 1-2 first thing in the morning. i love "sculpt" routine. "sweat" routine is ok too. but i hate power yoga, i can't do the "swing your leg back to front thing". i hope i manage it with time. i've lost 4 lbs so far. how are you doing?
  • i'm in :) did my first sweat 1-2 this morning. went well, but i hope it'll get better...