arisher Member


  • I totally agree with your comment. I used the herbalife product for over a year and lost all the weight I wanted to lose. But then I stopped or just went down to 1 shake and tried to eat healthy meals and couldn't keep the weight off. I regained everything within a year of being off the product.
  • I was 23 when I gave birth to my son. He just turned 22 years old on Friday. I was a young mother and I totally enjoyed the experience. Looking back now I feel like I grew up with my son, we had so much fun. I was his parent first and foremost and then his friend. He just graduated college and I'm only 45 and enjoying life…
  • Hi Kat, I'm a Lead QA Analyst in MD. I sit during the day as well and most days hunched over my computer:) I know when I push myself to take a walk or just get up and stretch I feel so much better. Keep pushing yourself and you'll see results......we can do this and keep our jobs lol!!!!
  • If you're at a plateau with the amount of exercise you're doing you might want to look at the type of food you're eating. Eat more protein, veggies, and fruit. Also I really think it matters what time of the day you eat, I try to eat breakfast within the hour I get up and include protein. Then I don't eat after 7pm and…
  • I have a sitting job as well and it's challenging but you can do it. I agree with all the other comments....cut out junk/fatty foods. Try to plan your food.....especially when you're at work. Eat lots of fruits and veggies....and I chew a piece of gum everyday at around 3pm. I get hungry even though I shouldn't be, if I…
  • I never thought I would, but NOW I can do burpees. I never thought I would, but NOW I love mountain climbers and bird dogs. I never thought I would, but NOW I love to cook and eat healthy foods.
  • What time do you go to sleep? I got up at 5:15 on Monday and Tuesday to but today I was just too exhausted.
  • Do they really taste toasted? I've wanted to make these but am skeptical.
    in Chickpeas Comment by arisher April 2012
  • I really struggle in the this area. I telecommute 3 days a week and they are the worst. I don't take breaks like I should and move around. When I'm in the office I'm so busy I don't have time. I used to walk the steps or walk around the building whenever I could get away from my desk at other jobs when I didn't telecommute.
  • I work from home as well. I'm in IT as a tester. My trainer told me to sit on an exercise ball while at the computer. She says it'll really work my core. I haven't done it yet, mainly because I need more air in the ball. You might want to try it:)
  • Good work!!!! Keep going......nothing tastes as good as healthy feels:):)
  • I have 10 lbs to loss and since the beginning of the year have lost 0. But I've been keeping with strength training 2x a week and cardio 2x a week and am losing inches. My clothes fit great so I'm trying hard not to worry about the number too much.
  • I totally agree. My husband got me a 10 session package as a gift and it was perfect. The trainer at the gym really help me get my form and then it was just weights and reps:):) I'm in much better shape now then at the beginning of the year....I struggle with losing weight but I look great from weight training.