

  • You can see the difference! I'm so proud of you baby sister!!
  • I have a similar problem. I work at a hospital (desk job) and during the work day I have been getting up & walking or taking the stairs several times a day. However when I get home all my good intentions to do yoga or whatever goes out the door. I find myself sitting down & not being as active as I intended to be.
  • I am not over 200 but i'm VERY close! This is the heaviest i've been in a good 6 years. I am looking others (especially ones who know what it is like to be heavy!) I am always on the look out for new friends! Please feel free to add me, we can help support each other :D
  • I can relate to what you are going through. Like you, I started at an early age (I was 12 when I first started) and because once I hit my early 20's my weight went up. Most doctors don't generally look at plus size girls as having bulima. It's a sad sad mistake. I've never consulted any professionals, so I really can't…