

  • Mix it in a blender with a little skim milk, ice, and a banana. Low cal milk shake!
  • I have the same problem. People get used to seeing you a certain way and they don't want it to change if there isn't an obvious issue. But you know how you feel and look. You know where you will be comfortable. What CandyR1018 said is good - don't mention trying to lose weight, just that you are getting healthy. I know…
  • You basically are supposed to follow the same rules as a car. Stay to the side of the road unless you need to make a turn. Use arm signals to signify which way you are turning. Enjoy! Biking burns a lot of calories!!
  • I haven't given up alcohol while trying to lose weight and I am still losing weight. I just drink smarter and record all of my calories. On of my MFP friends has chocolate every day, I have a cocktail :) So for me, I don't see the difference in choosing food calories over alcohol calories as long as you count them. It's…
  • Keep your chin up! It's hard moving to a new city. Focus on the positives - 2 wonderful girls and the willpower to take care of your health! I'm sure there are many more! Get plugged in. Find a newcomers group, a great church. When we moved we found a church with a fantastic youth group for our kids - that will plug you in…