

  • I have the RS300X (watch and chest strap) I bought off of Amazon for about $140. Here is the link from Amazon: I love it and wear it ALL the time while working out.
  • You need to eat! Plan your foods ahead of time so that you are getting enough calories and not leaving it to chance or loading up on several hundred calories of junk before bed. You will get there - it does take some getting used to, but you definitely don't want to go into starvation mode. Eat thoughtfully and nourish…
  • I am a huge fan of interval running! I go at different speeds and inclines to get my heart rate into different zones and then work in stretches of walking. I wear a heart rate monitor to tell me what zone I am in. I usually switch it up every two to three minutes and work in a few all out sprints, but I definitely do not…
  • So proud of you! Success breeds success, so here is to more success!
  • I've lost 16 total pounds (10 using MFP) since February and exactly one person has noticed. Most of it has come off my face, so definitely noticeable. The woman that noticed was super sweet about it and instead of saying, "Are you losing weight?" said, "You are looking fantastic! Whatever you are doing, keep up the good…
  • I have successfully addressed leg pain by using a foam roller. Wal-Mart sells them for about $15. If you Google foam roller exercises there will be plenty of good examples to show you how to use it to alleviate your pains. Hope this helps!
  • I found that upping my protein intake really helped curb some of my hunger pains. I love making protein smoothies - a recent favorite is 8 oz. of Trop50 orange juice, one scoop vanilla protein powder and ice. Tastes very similar to an Orange Julius! But this one only has 150 calories :-) I will take protein powder to work…
  • Consistent exercise in addition to mindful eating and deliberate food choices has been my key to success. I needed a lot of support in knowing how to exercise and then stick with my plan of doing cardio at least three times a week for an hour. I ended up joining a group fitness class which gave me support from a personal…