

  • Good for you! This site is a great tool and it sounds like you're already on the right track. Congrats on the 10lbs lost already!
  • I am in the same boat and I've noticed that those "extra" calories from exercising helps me eat good, balanced meals. I am usually under my calorie count but I've never been quite that far under. Sometimes they also allow me a treat during the day and I don't have to feel bad taking advantage of that, after all, I've…
  • I've saw that book! After reading this I now know that I must get it! Thanks for this! :smile:
  • Morning is my time for working out too. You have a lot on your plate so starting your morning off right is crucial. I know for myself if I skip a workout I will beat myself up all day for it. We have enough stressors in the world for us to deal with, why add that as well?! You can do this! If you're getting up early 5 days…