

  • Wallaby ( my daughter would LOVE your name...she spent nine months in qld about 10 years ago), my diary wasn't public when you first messaged me. I opened it up after you mentioned it. Thanks, everyone. I am new at this, so I need all the advice I can get.Obviously, if I knew how to eat properly, I wouldn't have gotten fat…
  • Sunny, I have started doing the fat-burning workout on the treadmill, and an intensity level of 3. It varies the workout...with different speeds and different inclines. Hopefully that will help.
  • For strength training, I do an hour for my legs, on Monday, and Tues/Thurs for my arms. I am gradually working into it. My reps increase pretty much every other time. I try to get some protein every day, but it's probably not enough.
  • I'm on the front side of 60 (will be 58 in February). I am the fattest person in my family, and I have battled weight issues my entire life. I have done the yo-yo stuff...twice in my life I have managed to lose 40-ish pounds, but then it came right back on with a vengeance, and added a few more. My doc is on my case all…
  • Samantha, You're right about the navigation part. I had to have Cathianne show me some of the stuff here. She has been a good inspiration for me. Cathi, I know what you mean about the "metabolism slowing down." I was blaming menopause. rofl. Maybe you and I will turn into a couple of babes, eh? lol. Okay. How come my…
  • I'm on the front side of 60 (will be 58 in February). You can add me, too. 8-)
  • Good luck. :smile:
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