

  • Its something being expelled that your body has deemed unnecessary. Probably excess vitamins. I know if I take a MV, my pee looks like yellow highlighter juice. Dark orange hue and strong odor is typically dehydration. Try upping your water intake and examining the foods you're eating. If its a huge concern, contact your…
  • Water balloon fight Flashlight tag (darkness, summer nights)
  • I weigh-in every after I wake up and do the deed but I only count one weigh in a week for progress. The rest are just to humor me. Remember, your weight fluctuates throughout the day and day to day. I dont think its unhealthy to weigh yourself everyday as long as you dont take it too seriously and focus more on average…
  • I believed babies were made by peeing on a girl. Glad that one was a myth!
  • 80's tunes baby! Throw in some southern classic rock, Journey, Foriegner, and get after it!
  • Why not divide that extra 160 cals over the rest of the week? Cut 40 cals/day and you break even for the week.