chakaal Member


  • Wel done! Great results from hard work and healthy eating!! :-)
  • I'd love to have a go - how do we get a monitor ticker to see how much exercise we've done? I've done 30 mins ice skating and 90 mins trampolining so far this month.
  • Hi, I'm Karen and I suffer from hypoglycemia caused by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which was diagnosed back in 2004. It gets particularly bad after exercise, or if I leave too long not eating between meals. Generally I try to graze to keep a balance to avoid the insulin rushes that I get if I eat too much. I recently…
  • Muscles when they start to waste away can cause a lot of pain - I had to stop running suddenly due to a painful knee injury and the agony I went though as my leg muscles started to shrink was really unpleasant! It's better to make gradual changes and see the results over a period of approx 3 months, then adjust your…
  • My only suggestion is to not worry and continue with your weight loss programme. If you find after you have lost the weight that you wanted to lose, if your thighs still do not look or seem right, then you can cut back on the exercise, as you will have lost the weight & the muscles will naturally reduce when you do less…