sujastka Member


  • I just started too, let's do this thing. Let's stay accountable everyday by just blogging to each other and being accountable being present. Whether we do good or not so good that day. If we stay here in fitness pal it may help us stay accountable to our choices. Great to be on here with you all. Weight has been my life's…
  • I swear food is as poisonous as crack!! Yes it is good for you, if you eat healthy and correctly but with us food addicts it is completely deadly. It is a slow death, I am such a strong independent woman and lack such control in this area of life. I did good last year and lost 60 lbs. Since thanksgiving I have been…
  • Hi Ashley, Been there done that too.(lol) You can do this. Im here if you want to talk. I have been weight of all sizes however my heaviest of 312, now down 277. Im doing great blood pressure is normal and so is blood sugar. Once I reached 300 it was either life or death for me and I knew it. I think for me I just decided…
  • I am 44, I have been the same way most of all my life. It is really simple, I have finally realized that I have to ultimately take responsibility for my behavior and learn to discipline myself. The real truth is as you get older your gonna have to change your behaviors anyway or you will die. So why not do it now so you…
  • :love: :love: hi, finally decided to change my life. My goals are to feel energy again and be healthy, im so tired of being tired all the time, this is not living life. Everyday the only enjoyment I have really ever had was enjoying the food I eat, i deserve so much more......looking forward to this program...