

  • I've been running for about 12 years and I started the same way.... running until I was tired and then walked until I caught my breathe and then started over again with running. Now-a decade later, my daughter is learning to run with me. I was teaching her the way I learned when she started having pain. I took her to my PT…
  • I would definitely see a physical therapist if the pain does not go away within a couple of days. It does sound like you did too much too soon. I started running over 10 years ago and when I started, I ran until I was tired-walked and then started the cycle all over again. My daughter has now taken up running with me and…
  • The amount of money you have to raise depends on the event. For mine it was a minimum of $1800-and the max for the event was $2900. It depends on whether you need hotel and airfare. Usually TNT has several meetings in different places so if you can't make that one, there might be another one you can make. I know that in my…
  • I'm actually doing TNT right now. I'm getting ready for the Seattle Rock N' Roll marathon in June. I've been a runner for many years so that hasn't been much of a challenge. The coaches are great and they will work with you and provide you with a training program. I have struggled with the fundraising. People will tell you…
  • I'm in Seattle and it's been sucky here too. It's rained almost every day since fall and our summer was non-exsistent this last year. We have had only 4 days of 60 degree weather all year. And regardless of what everyone says, we usually don't rain 9 months out of the year... except for this year. :-( Spent spring break in…