

  • Heya! Welcome! I think aslong as you base your diet around healthy foods ( wholegrains, lean protiens. low fat dairy/substitutes and fruit and veges then I think including a few treats into your calorie intake won't hurt. I find that If i eat less processed food though that I'm not as hungry and end up eating less. As for…
  • Hey! I know what you mean. Sometimes I can manage with the calories that I am allowed for the day and other times I am still so hungry so I will go over my calorie intake but only with healthy foods that I know are going to hit the spot. I haven't noticed a big change by doing this. I also find though that if you eat…
  • Great job you have done so well!!
  • haha i know what you mean or if your at lunch and someone says.."thats a very healthy lunch you have there" I always get kinda awkward..not too sure why but yeah. And i totally know what you mean about reading nurtitional labels..and people judging the food in your basket.
  • I have never seen these noodles before but i am definiteyly going to visit my local asian grocery store to try and find them. I LOVE NOODLES!! This recipe sounds delicious, I am going to make it this weeek but instead of a kimchi sauce i am going to try it with thai red curry paste and use a little less of it. Thanks for…
  • I am definitely going to be trying these. I LOVE NOODLES!! and bean sprouts too. Sounds like a very quick easy and cheap meal to make. Instead of Kimchi i may put a samller amount of thai red curry paste in instead. Cannot wait to try this. Thanks for the post
  • I make a gluten free and dairy free chocolate cake and mix in frozen berries..but you don't have too..it is the best choc cake i have ever had (not blowing my own trumpet here :) ). Go to this website here and there is a recipes archive and type in chocolate cake in the search and this should come up. The cake stays moist…
  • My go to for when I am craving something sweet is a weight watchers hot chocolate with Skim milk, which is onnly like a 110 calories and is super good or dried fruit like strawberries and apples ( and they really do taste just like lollies :) ). Or a good dessert is Slicing a banana in half length ways, placing on a sheet…
  • Hi there I know what you mean. I am not too sure what your food diary is like but i found that the more refined foods that i ate the more hungry i was which would lead me to over eat ( one of the biggest problems i have) and then my calories count woudl be gone for the day. Are you eatig lots of wholegrains and protien?…
  • Hey there my boyfriend makes the best tuna pie in my opinion and it is really easy. Just sautee some onion and make a low fat white sauce. Then add a tin of creamed corn, a large tin of tuna (in springwater) and some cooked brocolli. mix it all together and put into a dish and top with mashed sweet potato or potato and…
  • If I am craving something sweet and can't afford the calories, i make myself a weight watchers hot chocolate with Skim milk and if i am craving something salty i opt for rice crackers over chips. Fruit is good too and carrot sticks (or baby carrots) with hummus! Yummy :)
  • I love to make homemade pizza with a wholemeal pita..just watch the amount of cheese and you can get your vegetable intake with this too or Homemade Bruschetta. If you have a long rye bread roll, half it, toast it, rub a garlic clove over the toasted bread, place fresh diced tomatoes and basil leaves on top with a tiny…
  • oh my i feel quite lazy.. Mondays: nothing ( not a fan of mondays) Tuesdays: 50 min fast paced walk Wednseday: 45 min pilates intermediate mat exercises + 20 min walk Thursday: 50 min fast paced walk Friday: 45 mins pilates + 20 min walk Saturday: 30-60 min walk Sunday: nothing I have been thinking of joining a gym since…
  • Wow good on you! Oatmeal is a great choice for breakfast, cheap, filling and waist friendly. Homemade salads and soups with seasonal fruit and veges are goodies too. Are you near a farmers market? For dinner Tofu or chicken and vege stirfrys are good, Homemade vege pizza and or fritattas. Check out this website, it is a NZ…
  • Small bits of roast pumpkin with hummus on corn or rice thins is really tasty or a small pottle of low fat yoghurt and a tablespoon of muesli/granola is good too. Cottage cheese with chopped fruit and/ or veges is really good too..especially if your really hungry :)
  • cookies, cupcakes, icecream, chocolate..anything that has sugary goodness!
  • Defintiely Kellogs bran flakes with Low fat soy milk and banana or oatmeal with berries, soy milk and low fat yoghurt. Yumo!
  • I am so glad to see that I'm not the only one that does this lol. I use to work as a cashier at a supermarket at high school. There was this lady and her two boys that always use to come in during the week. Here she was this trolley full of artificial processed rubbish ( There were no veges at all in the trolley..unless…
  • Hey there A really good one is www.healthyfoodguide.co.nz it has heaps of healthy recipes and nutritional content too.
  • My favourtie low cal drink is Vodka with diet lemon lime and bitters or Southern comfort with Diet Gingerale. Vodka and Ocean spray low cal cranberry juice is great aswell. Hope that this is helpful.
  • I love making this salad that has red quiona in it. It serves 4 as a side or can give you two healthy meals. Here is the recipe: 2 cups of cooked red quiona 4 generous handfuls of baby spinach generous handful of dried cranberries Salt and Pepper Red Wine Vinigerette 1 tbsp od red wine vinegar 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oi…
  • My favourite is either Special K with fresh fruit and milk or Homemade muesli (you can control what goes into it unlike bought stuff) and yoghurt and fruit. Both keep you going through the morning and are tasty!
  • I find that Oatmeal with Skim milk and berries is great way to go also Fresh fruit salad with low fat yoghurt and coffee or tead seems to keep me going. I also try to drink a fair amount of water between meals as sometimes i'm just thirsty and not that hungry. Hope this helps.
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