

  • Last year I wanted some whellies for a festival I was going too, but couldn't get anything that would fit. Couldn't even get a foot in. lucky it sunny so I didn't need them. The other week I was around my thin friends house (see like 120-130lb ish) on my own and I spotted her wellies, I thought I just try them on. They…
  • I did the same thing this weekend at festival, although it wasn't the food was the issue it was the dreaded booze, not going to offical weigh in today as can't bear the shame of gaining 5lbs in only 3 days
  • Given up red meat eating fish instead Only have cheese (1 oz) on a Monday as a start of the week treat Swaped crisp (chips) for 83 cal per pack maze based snack (need my daily crunch savory snack of I would go mad) Don't go near vending machines Make my own lunch instead of canteen dinners Go walking at lunch time instead…
  • A stone is 14lb in UK weight, most people weigh them selves at x stone x lb so 199lb is 14 stone 3 lbs
  • Wondering what to do with mine, they are starting to get very baggy and I am worried I might loose them. I don't want to get them taken in. Trying to convince hubby to buy me a replacement so I can keep old ones as they are. Or am I just greedy and want another ring:laugh: Well done another couple months they will be…
  • Thanks I haven't been under 200 for 8 years! but at least its a long way from 273 where I started from only acouple of pounds to go before I have lost 60lbs since January.:happy:
  • I was hoping for one also but i got a 200.4 instead, hopefully next week. Well done!