can 2 days really undo 2 weeks

JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am amazed at how for 2 weeks I can do really well and then for 2 days I can gain over 5 lbs by binging on cookies and doritos and crap! It seems that I go down to half way to goal and then gain it all back in just 2 days! How do I stop this???


  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    You really didn't gain 5 lbs of fat in 2 days(unless you ate about 17,500 calories over your maintenance calories). It is just undigested food an retained water. It will come down in a couple days if you drink a lot of water and eat good.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I feel the same way. I am getting to the point where I am scared to eat certain foods because I think I will gain all my weight back. Well for one you can stop it by not binging on those things. For me weekends are hard too. You just have to keep reminding yourself that eating these things could make you gain weight, so just try to stay away from them.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It's not permanent. If you take in lots of sodium and fat you're going to retain water. I just wouldn't binge like that too much at first. Usually a few days of drinking lots of water, eating healthy, and exercising will take it right off. I have gained 5 pounds from eating really bad before but it was gone in two days so try not to stress about it too much.
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    "Crap food" is really full of salt ~ so my guess is some of the "gain" is the fluid retention that comes with too much sodium. And "crap food" usually has little or no fiber to it, so it literally hangs around in your body longer.

    Get back on the good food horse and drink loads of water. I'm betting in a week or so you'll be back to where you were before you stumbled
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    I think telling yourself to stay away from the foods you love all the time is a recipe for disaster. It's the fact that you forbid it until you can't stand it that causes the binges. If I never allowed myself a treat meal once every week or two, I would become discouraged and quit. I know--I've done it before. No food should be out of bounds completely. Some should just be special occasion foods that you allow yourself to have from time to time, but not every day. If you know you can allow yourself to eat anything as long as you use portion control and maintain clean eating the rest of the week, I bet you will find you can have the stuff you love and not binge on it.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    You get comfortable with the results you're seeing and feel that you can reward yourself, so therefore you eat whatever you like. You can eat those things, just don't eat the whole bag. I'm the same way so I just try to stay away altogether when I'm really pushing towards a goal.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    I was thinking that I was INSANE for eating like that but just couldn't stop! I really need to learn portion control :noway:

    I've drank 3 bottles of water so far, hopefully I can flush out all of those toxins!
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I have just done exactly the same thing. Eaten bad for 3 days almost and now all bloated and put on 3lbs, but im hoping that all is not lost and I go back to normal.

    Keep it up, well done so far.

  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    I think telling yourself to stay away from the foods you love all the time is a recipe for disaster. It's the fact that you forbid it until you can't stand it that causes the binges. If I never allowed myself a treat meal once every week or two, I would become discouraged and quit. I know--I've done it before. No food should be out of bounds completely. Some should just be special occasion foods that you allow yourself to have from time to time, but not every day. If you know you can allow yourself to eat anything as long as you use portion control and maintain clean eating the rest of the week, I bet you will find you can have the stuff you love and not binge on it.

    EXACTLY! This isn't a is a healthier way of LIVING! (The word Die is in DIET, by the way...coincidence? I think not!!) If you deprive yourself of the occasional treat, you WILL most certainly binge when you do have it. Good Luck! : )
  • Afields6780
    Afields6780 Posts: 21 Member
    I am in your same boat although I stayed within my calorie limited I ate a ton of salt on my fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from my garden as well as all the sodium in the stuff i eat.... i gain almost 10 pounds back in less that 7 days.... i flipped out because i have just started and It was over half my weight loss.... then i realize there is no way it is fat I didn't even come close to comsuming the amount of calories it would have taken to gain ten pounds plus all the exercise that I have been doing... I didn't realize salt was so powerful.... I am goign to watch it believe me. I live by the notion never deprive or you will bing if you wanna eat it and it is outof your calorie goal you better double up on the exercise... or we end up doing what you did and feeling guilty for it. Try to pick the healthies version of your cravings and enjoy a small portion. I also try to either driink a big glass of water or a nice piece of fruit before so i feel fuller faster and wont consume as much as would have... or i make my self eat the stuff on my plate that isn't my fav and save the fav for last so i remember it and end up eatting half of what i would have if i would have eatten it first.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    Up another 1/2 lb since yesterday???!!! I wanna scream
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Up another 1/2 lb since yesterday???!!! I wanna scream
    Then stop weighing yourself every day. Give it time.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I am really trying hard at this weight loss as well, I do not deprive myself of my snacks. I feel so left out when I do not get my night time snack, my solution.... 100 calorie packs. It is not quite "healthy" but it fits in my calories and gives me the snack I desire. I do allow myself a cheat meal on Sundays I figure I can't do too much damage with 1 single meal. To me Sunday's are usually spent with our family and I want to eat what everyone else eats. When all else fails, exercise... I make sure I exercise before visiting family so I walk out the door with about 1300 calories to spare.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    . I'm betting in a week or so you'll be back to where you were before you stumbled
    ...stumbled, I like how you put that!:wink:
  • Herewego
    Herewego Posts: 49
    Everytime I have bad days that really show on the scale despite being only a blip in a good long run, here is what I tell myself.

    "Ok I have been good for 2 weeks, had a two days blip and the scale show me 5lbs extra"
    1st I curse the scale :tongue:

    Secondly I think to myself: 5lbs that is an extra 17500 calories, that would be 8750 over my maintenance for 2 days!!!! ffectivally that would mean that I would have eaten ovr 10000 calories a day!

    The answer to this question is always NO! So I conclude, I cannot have put on 5lbs of fat, this is just water and extra retention and with a good week ahead of me I am sure to see those 5lbs disappear.
    I hope that helps.

    HWG :happy:
  • I did the same thing this weekend at festival, although it wasn't the food was the issue it was the dreaded booze, not going to offical weigh in today as can't bear the shame of gaining 5lbs in only 3 days
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I am really trying hard at this weight loss as well, I do not deprive myself of my snacks. I feel so left out when I do not get my night time snack, my solution.... 100 calorie packs. It is not quite "healthy" but it fits in my calories and gives me the snack I desire. I do allow myself a cheat meal on Sundays I figure I can't do too much damage with 1 single meal. To me Sunday's are usually spent with our family and I want to eat what everyone else eats. When all else fails, exercise... I make sure I exercise before visiting family so I walk out the door with about 1300 calories to spare.

    I do this too, I have lots of 100 cal or under treats and I allow myself at least one a day, as long as its within my total allowed cals for the day. Some times its as many as 3 (which I don't advise) but when I thought about it I'd have at at least 1 chocolate bar a day, a packet of crisps, a few cookies etc without other snacks before I started the diet, so 3 100 or less cal snacks only amount to one regular chocolate bar. Far less than all the junk I was eating before.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    double post
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Everytime I have bad days that really show on the scale despite being only a blip in a good long run, here is what I tell myself.

    "Ok I have been good for 2 weeks, had a two days blip and the scale show me 5lbs extra"
    1st I curse the scale :tongue:

    Secondly I think to myself: 5lbs that is an extra 17500 calories, that would be 8750 over my maintenance for 2 days!!!! ffectivally that would mean that I would have eaten ovr 10000 calories a day!

    The answer to this question is always NO! So I conclude, I cannot have put on 5lbs of fat, this is just water and extra retention and with a good week ahead of me I am sure to see those 5lbs disappear.
    I hope that helps.

    HWG :happy:

    Well said!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    You get comfortable with the results you're seeing and feel that you can reward yourself, so therefore you eat whatever you like. You can eat those things, just don't eat the whole bag. I'm the same way so I just try to stay away altogether when I'm really pushing towards a goal.

    This is so true! And we have all done it at some point in our lifestyle change. Just don't stop logging those calories and finding time for your workouts and drinking water. Just because you had a setback does not give you an excuse to quit. Keep moving will be rewarded. IF you are unable to put down the bag, then you probably should just buy 1 small portioned bag to indulge yourself on occasion. I find that I cannot keep certain foods/drinks in the house, as my willpower isn't as strong as it needs to be! Good luck to you!
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