

  • I weigh in once a week when I attend my weight loss group. I also wear the same clothes every week so I know the result is "true". Over the years I have learned that weighing more often is detrimental. If I weigh in often and I'm down, I'll sometimes allow myself "something extra". If I'm up I get discouraged and eat…
  • Oh - the dreaded food diary!!! YES, it is a huge problem for me. I do it for a few days and then get behind, or have a bad day and decide to do better next week. My best friend has lost almost 50 pounds since she started keeping her journal; from past years, I know that it works so decided to give it another try. I did it…
  • Hi - count me in. My starting weight is 245.6.
  • hi - I'm also new and would like to have friends who are having trouble staying motivated. I'm almost 60, have at least 60 pounds to lose, and am having a hard time getting started. I've spent most of my adult life trying to lose weight and just haven't kept at anything long enough to be successful. Even since joining 2 or…
  • Hi - I'