LEAN BY LABOR DAY - NEW CHALLENGE - *size limited* (starts w



  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member
    Wednesday Points:
    Water - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 2
    Sleep - 1
    Total - 5
    Weekly Total - 13

    My favorite snack right now is Pure Protein bars. 20g of protein and only 2g of sugar. They fill me up for a long time. I also love fruit and celery with peanut butter.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Wednesday's Points

    Exercise -3

    Total - 6

    Weekly Total: 17
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member

    What are your "go to" snacks to help keep hunger at bay?

    Usually during the week at work, I grab some form of fresh fruit! On Mondays, I stock the office fridge with fresh fruits and veggies for the week, plus I'll keep a couple of bananas, a mango, a apple or another type of fruit on my desk, so it's easily accessible. I also keep a drawer with other snacks, i.e. unsalted peanuts,raisins, Special K bars, those Planters Nutrition Health Bars or RiceWorks Gourmet Brown Rice Crisps. I'm not sure if any of those are the best thing to snack on, but I am trying to steer away from those type of snacks and focus more on fruits and veggies.

    I also keep a case of Dasani water underneath my desk (i buy it whenever it's on sale), so when I feel the like having a snack, I'll grab a bottle of water and drink it first! I try to keep everything within hands reach, so I don't feel tempted to leave the office to buy water or lunch, because there's not too many healthy choices around!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Wednesdays Points
    Total= 5

    Total to date=17
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I felt so much better all day today than I did yesterday, AND we're supposed to have reprieve from this heat wave over the weekend. It's only 10 degrees, but there's a huge difference between 85 and 95 degrees, though! I'm going to go to bed early again tonight just to make sure I don't end up with a ton of fatigue tomorrow since I had a pretty active day today. :)

    Thursday points:
    Exercise: 3
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1

    Thursday total: 6 points
    Grand total: 19 points
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    SLEEP 1
    WATER 1
    LOG 1

    TOTAL 8

    hey amy....when i started spinning(over 10 years ago) i would used the gel seat....i also tried the padded shorts but those were not comfortable for me...the seat was great...after awhile my big butt was able to handle it well....if you can you should try a class
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    Today (Thursday's) Points

    exercise- 6

    daily total- 9
    weekly total- 37

    snacks? Laughing cow cheese wedges with low carb crackers (Lu Plain flatbread) or fruit

    and yes I love the music on the zumba wii game
  • littlemount
    littlemount Posts: 223
    Wednesday-7/20- exercise 2.5,water-1 diet-1 sleep-1
    total-5 pts
    My snacks to go are mostly yoplait and greek yoghurt.
    cherries,baked lays.
  • Hi - count me in. My starting weight is 245.6.
  • Thursday points:

    Water - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 4
    Sleep - 1

    Total - 7

    What are your "go to" snacks to help keep hunger at bay? A hard boiled egg, or a piece of whole grain toast, or a cup or two or grapes all help me. I find at night if I'm hungry within an hour or two of bed I will have a hard boiled egg and I literally feel stuffed afterwards and sleep good.

    Hope everyone is doing wonderfully. I injured my foot so I haven't been able to power walk which is slowing down my weight loss right now. But I am getting out there and walking (though slower). Today I got visited by TOM...I'm hoping this doesn't affect my weight loss too much! Lol.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member

    **Points clarification** - Exercise is the ONLY spot where you can earn "1/2" points, as 30 minutes is a common interval of exercise. I chose 20 minutes as equal to 1 point because 20 minutes a day is the minimum shown to have a scientifically "significant" impact on health.

    So, water, sleep & logging your food are "all or nothing" type points. You either earned your maximum of 1 point in that category, or you did not.

    Sorry about that - my original directions were a bit too basic!
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    Wednesday points

    Sleep - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 1
    Water - .5
    Total - 3.5

    Having a hard time getting my water in. I think I'll try bringing a big 'ole glass to work and refill it from the water fountain all day. Good thing my office is close to the ladies room!

    I hear ya! If you can find a tupperware dealer - or go online to their website or ebay - they have a couple of 48 oz containers. One is in the kids section - its a huge spongebob cup - it is crazy to drink out of, but fun in a way, too - it is definitely a conversation piece if nothing else, lol. They also have some in their earth friendly section that just have a screw on lid. I like to fill them with ice, dump in a crystal light single mixin packet and fill with water, then shake it up and drink! I don't like those mixins so strong - so the 4 cup container with ice makes most of them just about right. My favorite singles flavor right now is fruit punch. I have also enjoyed a citrus blend one for energ,,,not energy, it was for focus...can't remember the real name...see, this is why I needed to drink it...FOCUS! I work in an office most days, but sometimes I have to be shut in my office with clients for 2-3 hours at a time or worse yet driving out in the country to meet them at their homes. It is really hard to want to tank up on water when I know its going to cause me problems later...but I've been trying to balance it out. So far have been ok...crossing my fingers...hopefully not my legs, lol! hee hee :drinker:
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    My thursday points: 1 for water + 1 for logging = 2. No sleep point or exercise point for today. I'm busy getting ready for my sister and her two kids that are coming tomorrow - doing laundry, dishes and fixing some salads ahead. Nothing worthy of exercise points that's for sure - and it's rest day from Ripped in 30. But, hopefully, I will get a point for sleep tonight and get some good points in for exercise tomorrow!

    My go to power snacks include: a weight watchers string cheese and a handful of grape tomatoe, a nonfat greek yogurt, some cottage cheese, and newest is called a "Full Bar". Check out the full bars on line...just google them i'm sure they'll pop up. I got some from walmart to try and really like them! They help me get my water in and help me feel full. I'm going to try the hard boiled egg before bed thing - that might work for me!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Thursday's Points
    Total= 2

    Total to date=19

    Was a bad bad day...and it shows by my food diary. Then I was too stuffed to exercise. All I can say is thank my lucky stars this is not a regular occurance for me. Looking foward to a better day tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a good night!
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I am late with logging. Busy, busy day brother is visiting with infant son, lots of work. Hardly time for myself. Will be going away tomorrow for the weekend, bit worried as no gym so will have to do a lot of walking/jogging, will also take my dvd's. Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday.:smile:
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Wednesday points

    Sleep - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 1
    Water - .5
    Total - 3.5

    Having a hard time getting my water in. I think I'll try bringing a big 'ole glass to work and refill it from the water fountain all day. Good thing my office is close to the ladies room!
    Try drinking out of a bottle or better yet, use a straw. It goes in faster.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday 6 points
    Tuesday 5 points
    Wednesday -6 points
    Thursday- sleep-1, logging-1, h2o-1, exercise-3.5, total-6.5
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi Everyone! Whew - a busy mommy day today! Lots of outdoor stuff (in this crazy heat) but we went to my parents' house from 1-4 to enjoy the AC and take a break from this heat wave.

    Despite the heat, I was motivated by you all so I did the 30 day shred video (L1) this AM & burned 295 calories (added a couple of exercises as the workout comes in a little shy of 30 minutes). It was 80 degrees inside my house, so to say I perspired a bit is an understatement. It is 84 upstairs now with 4 window fans running. Hoping the temp starts to dip at some point here since it is after 11pm! (we have snowy winters which I love - and I keep our "heat" at 60 - so I do not like "warm" much (unless I'm swimming!)

    Here's where I am on points: Monday 4.5, Tuesday 7.5, Wednesday 4.5 today 4.5. I really need to get my exercise level up!! But, I am getting at least 30 minutes in each day, which is a HUGE improvement from the 1-2 x a week max I had been getting.

    Thursday Question - my go to snacks are: skim mozzeralla cheese sticks, hard-boiled eggs, fruit - sometimes a Chobani greek yogurt (pineapple is my favorite)

    Magazine Question - I like Weight Watchers & Cooking Light. I used to get Self, Shape & Fitness "pre-kids". I don't have any magazine subscriptions at present, but thinking about changing that!!

    Karen & Ashley - I will have to give that laughing cow cheese a try - sounds good & I am a total cheese lover!

    Vanessa - love that you are taking a class with your son! What a great role model you are!

    Nancy - Sleep is challenging for me too. It is so hard after getting all the "kid" stuff taken care of, the all the house stuff - sometimes I stay up too late just to have a few minutes to myself (ie: posting on here, reading, or watching some mindless TV)

    Renee - the max points for water is 1 (sorry about my unclear directions in the first post :blushing: ...

    Indigo - great job choosing a workout over eating! How is your foot doing?? Injuries are so frustrating! Have you found an alternate exercise like biking, swimming...?

    Kelly - by "closed" group, I just meant that in the title of our group I would mark it "closed" so I won't have to keep messaging people that we are full. It will still be here under the "motivation and support" section of the message board

    Phyllis - Alas, the maximum points for water is 1. Great idea to keep your work area stocked with healthy snacks & water at reach! Great job on getting your sleep. Has your Headache cleared up?

    Deanna - wow! you are racking up the points - great work!

    Robin - love that you are working to get active with your kids & set a good example. The kids and I took a "family" exercise class at the YMCA last fall. Lots of fun stuff like relays, tag - we had a blast! How fun that you have access to all those magazines! Love it!

    A Fresh Start - having a water bottle at work helps me. Plus, it gets me out from behind my desk to take a trip to the kitchen to re-fill it.

    Melissa - right with you on this heat - we are not used to in here in the NorthEast where I am at all!! I used to be a vegetarian from age 16-21. Then I started to eat "white meat" - and when I married my husband I now eat some red meat - but have many meat-free days mingled in

    1girl4boys - my mom has lost 60 pounds over the last year and she swears by those pure protein bars

    pam3 - I will try that gel seat idea - thanks for the tip!

    littlemount - I love cherries & baked lays are such a yummy treat when you need to fill that "crunchy" craving

    Diane - sounds like you've been busy! Have a great trip!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member

    If anyone has any ideas for questions/challenges if you can message me, or just throw them out here & we can work our way thru them ... or just post them anytime! :)



    **Points clarification** - Exercise is the ONLY spot where you can earn "1/2" points, as 30 minutes is a common interval of exercise. I chose 20 minutes as equal to 1 point because 20 minutes a day is the minimum shown to have a scientifically "significant" impact on health.

    So, water, sleep & logging your food are "all or nothing" type points. You either earned your maximum of 1 point in that category, or you did not.

    Sorry about that - my original directions were a bit too basic!
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    Thursdays Points
    food 1
    water 1
    sleep 1
    exercise 3
    My go to snack now is Special K Fruit Crisp bars. They are 100 calorie for 2 bars and they are good.:happy:
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