LEAN BY LABOR DAY - NEW CHALLENGE - *size limited* (starts w



  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Hey everyone..looking foward to doing this challenge with you! :bigsmile:
    We can totally rock this RIGHT!!

    I am 37, married & we have a 18 yr old son. A year ago I really started to focus on my fitness & found MFP..since then I have managed to lose close to 50 pounds but I still have a ways to go. I feel like in the past few months things have stalled for me..the weight is not coming off like it was before and out of frustration I guess I am letting my eating habits slide a bit more often. Summer is especially though..alot of socializing/drinks/food..you know how it goes right! I exercise alot so that is not the issue..I need to be a little more diligent in what I am eating. So for exercise I do Taekwondo 3x a week (normally 4x but we drop one class in the summer), bootcamp (I have 5 sessions left), walking, running (just getting into this) and home workout dvd's such as Jillian Micheals, TaeBo, Jackie Warner. Most weeks I am active every day..but occasionally I will take one or two rest days.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Lean by Labor Day Challenge Group is FULL (25 members, plus 2 for good luck giving us 27 ready to get fit & fab!!!)

    1. AmyByExample (Amy)
    2. km323
    3. Topsking2010 (Top)
    4. jenrod1118
    5. Pam3
    6. indigoangel86
    7. Simply_Christine
    8. k191073
    9. melissa_w
    10. becca0211 (Rebecca)
    11. asheleymarieC89 (Ashley)
    12. sheBB
    13. dawnrgrayson
    14. cklbrown
    15. a_fresh_start
    16. RubyRed1999
    17. Kell888 (Kelly)
    18. littlemount
    19. HokieDor
    20. rpearce519 (Robin)
    21. 1girl4boys
    22. brittanywineland
    23. grover0ca
    24. babydbones
    25. PhiliciousCurves
    26. lannr02 (Laura)
    27. jenbk2
  • Happy Monday everyone! I am so excited to be a part of this group. Okay, my weigh in for today is 256.6 lbs.

    A little about myself...I am 24 (turning 25 on Aug. 6th) and have been overweight since childhood. Everyone on my fathers side is obese and has major health problems. It scares me to think that I have inherited that so that's why I have decided (finally) to do whatever I can to make sure I don't turn out like that. I am on a mission to get down to 160 lbs (I started at 275). Although, to be honest, I would be happy just getting down to 200. I did get down to 160 when I was a teen and I felt and looked great but then due to injury and depression I rocketed back up. I know if I did it once that I can do it again! I am 6 feet tall. I am a writer/artist/childcare provider. I am obsessed with crochet, books, music, movies, kumihimo, crystals, meditation, anything artsy and I adore animals. Well, I think that about sums it up. :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Yea! I made it! Thanks!

    Anyway, my name is Phyllis and I’m will be celebrating my 48th birthday next month. I’m married with three children and two step-children, all of which are grown adults. I’m also the grandmother to 6 children and two step-grandchildren. I reside in the “Sunshine State” and work with the University of Miami.

    The last time I weighed myself was this past Friday, July 15th and my weight was at 166.6lbs. In January of this year, I was 189, so by my standards, I’ve lost a significant amount of weight, but I still want to lose more, possibly another 25 to 30 would be good! I’m 5’4” so my “good weight” should be near 130 to 135, but I’d settle for 140!

    I don’t think I’ve had issues about my weight, because I just went with the flow of things. In high school, I was about 120lbs and I maintained that because I was on the track * field team throughout my high school years, but out of high school came babies (3 years apart), but I always lost the weight after birth. The weight didn’t start picking up until years later and I was at my biggest at 203lbs about 3 years ago! I joined Weight Watchers on a dare and lost some weight, but gained it back as soon as I stopped going to the meetings. Now, I’m more focused on what I want and where I want to be!
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    Hi my name is Jen. I am a married and mom of 2 beautiful boys. Last September I needed a hysterectomy- and it turned my world upside down. I have always had issues with my weight but this put me over the edge. In Feb I joined a weight loss competition in my area and lost 20 lbs- and that is as far as I went. When it was over I stopped working out. Now I want to get back into it. I work full time and the boys have a bunch of activities. I know I need to do this for myself. I know I need to get up early and take an hour just for me. My starting weight was 216 this morning. Can't wait until the final weigh in !!!!
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    Monday weigh in!! :) 263.8

    I haven't been this weight since my freshman year in high school :happy:
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Renee. I have been married for 12 and we have 3 kids (Son 10 and 2 girls 8 and 6). I am a stay at home mom. I started MFP the end of April with a starting weight of 173.2. My starting weight for this challenge is 153.2 (yesterday was weigh in 7/17). I just got lazy and that is why I put on the weight. I am blessed to be a healthy person. I just ate what I wanted when I wanted, in turn that is what caused the weight gain. I just watched the scale go up and up,but didn't do anything about it.. I have let myself get out of shape and it dawned on me one day that what if something happen to one of my children and I need to get to them quickly. I was to out of shape to run to them. I need to be in better shape to play with them, be a better mom for them (better wife to) and to save them if needed. I have lost 20 pounds since joining and seeing the scale go down has made me so proud of myself. I have done this all at home with walking/running, and hiking with my family. I have been doing JM 30DS for the past 12 days and will continue with more of her dvd's after this one. My current profile pic I took yesterday will be my starting photo for this challenge. I look forward to being a part of this group and the motivation.
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    How many calories do you burn with the wii zumba??? I am looking for a non gym day alternative exercise p.s. The post board is a little overwhelming for me as this is my first time using it so any helpful hints would be great!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member

    I am loving reading everyone's intros!! Will have more time to respond tonight.

    Here is our official roster of 28 - we had a few very excited about our amazing group so I had to bump our # up a few. There is one last person who messaged me early this morning that I am waiting to hear back from, so we would max out at 29 if she is in.

    Tonight I will try to "friend" everyone in our group, and start an official "closed group" thread for us. I wish I could edit the original post to "closed" and keep all of our info right here - but it appears edit functions lock at some point (if anyone knows a work-around, let me know).

    Here's our group:

    Lean by Labor Day Challenge Group is FULL (25 members, plus 2 for good luck giving us 27 ready to get fit & fab!!!)

    1. AmyByExample (Amy)
    2. km323
    3. Topsking2010 (Top)
    4. jenrod1118
    5. Pam3
    6. indigoangel86
    7. Simply_Christine
    8. k191073
    9. melissa_w
    10. becca0211 (Rebecca)
    11. asheleymarieC89 (Ashley)
    12. sheBB
    13. dawnrgrayson
    14. cklbrown
    15. a_fresh_start
    16. RubyRed1999
    17. Kell888 (Kelly)
    18. littlemount
    19. HokieDor
    20. rpearce519 (Robin)
    21. 1girl4boys
    22. brittanywineland
    23. grover0ca
    24. babydbones
    25. PhiliciousCurves
    26. lannr02 (Laura)
    27. jenbk2
    28. nh2576
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hey all...my name is pam i live in miami, florida.....mother of 3 adult children....gained weight after a divorce and last year joined MFP ...i started in august and by december i had dropped 18lbs... the hoidays werent bad i onlly gained 2lbs, but life was very stressfull at the start of the year and i put 10lbs back on.....so i reconnected with MFP in late may.....this site is wonderful...im looking forward to this challenge.....
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    I want in if there is space.

    My name is Courtney and I live in Houston, TX. I am 31, married, with a 3-year-old son. I have been dealing with weight issues since forever, and my pregnancy compounded the problem with the introduction of hormonal imbalances. So now I have about 175 total lbs to lose. I have lost 10 so far.

    Anyhoo, let me know if I can get in. I would like to lose 15 lbs by Labor Day.
  • HokieDor
    HokieDor Posts: 6
    I found this site: http://www.zumbacalories.com/ to calculate the number of calories I burned. It may not be perfect, but it's close enough for me.
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm Nancy. I'm a late-joiner. #28 on the list and VERY happy to be "in"! My husband and I have 3 sons, ages 4, 5 and 9. I am 35, 5'6", medium build but overweight at roughly 178 lbs. I never really struggled with my weight until I met my husband! I got comfortable, then had kids! Was on bed rest for 5-6 wks before having #1 = weight gain + no muscle tone. This made for a bad combination and for 2 yrs I was in a pretty bad depression. But when DS1 was 2, I found a combination that worked - slimfast (free online support) and a Walk Away the Pounds DVD by Leslie Sansone (4 Mile Super Challenge) and lost all I'd gained plus! Then I got comfortable, but stayed around 145-150 until babes #2 came along - I didn't want to end up on bed rest again, so was careful and did only light walking with stroller outside and low impact miles with walking dvds. Then DS #3 came along so quick after #2, I did not have time to fully drop all weight gained and added a little more to it! I work full time, had a long commute and hubby works long hours, too, so I was pretty much in charge of kids, house and my job 100% on my own for 6 out of 12 months. Not much time for me!

    Beginning of 2009 I joined Weight Watchers. I got down to the 160's, but then my group disbanded. I found a new group, but it wasn't the same. Then I got a new job which added a bunch of stress (I am a stress eater) and the icing on the cake was fall of 2009 when my mom, who was my best friend, was killed in a tragic car accident. That's when I really lost it. I had lost just about every solid thing in my life except my husband and my children, but they mostly just continued to demand I take care of them rather than stop and notice I needed someone taking care of me for a change. So, when I stood in front of a plate of brownies and decided if I would have one or not, I'd eat one, then 2 or 3 because I had lost so much I was not going to deny myself food, too. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone, but it is literally what I said to myself as I ate whatever high cal thing I wished to consume.

    Over the past yr and a half I went from 160 back up to 178. (I was 186.6 when I started weight watchers back in '09 so I haven't gained it ALL back, but most of it.

    I have a really hard time getting motivated to exercise, but do enjoy it and like it when I'm being active on a regular basis. I've been with MFP for a few months now and have enjoyed joining a few challenges like this and getting to know people. Even though i still struggle in the food department, I have at least picked up the exercise end of things which has prevented the scale from climbing any higher!

    I'm in another challenge right now that is based on Jillian Michaels DVD Ripped in 30. It runs through July. That one will tie nicely into this one and this one will keep me going a while longer. RI30 is a 24 minute work out - closer to 30 with warm up and cool down. It is a righteous beast of a work out! But I'm enjoying it! Also, my husband has decided he wants to walk every night so we've been doing 2-3 miles each evening.

    Today is my day off so I'm going to take advantage of it and squeeze in an extra hour of exercise!! I look forward to reading other people's intros later!! Thanks, Amy, for starting this and for letting me join late! :smile:
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Wow! Love reading all the introductions. :)

    Do we get to start points with last night's sleep?

    Sleep will NOT be a challenge for me because of my chronic fatigue. I could sleep all day if left to my own devices. Thankfully, my kids are usually NOT about lying in bed past 8:30 in the morning, so devices are never left to me. LOL
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi everyone.

    My name is Jen from TX. I am 28, married with no children. I have always had a struggle with my weight, especially after i met my husband 11 years ago. Most recently i lost 55 pounds only to gain back about 44 within the past year. I am looking forward to shedding the pounds once and forall! It's going to be tough..I currently have a full and part time job. My mother was recently blessed with a kidney after 6 years on dialysis, and just when i thought i would have time to concentrate on myself my mother in law was diagnosed with breast cancer.

    I know my health is important especially since i hope to start a family some day. I have polycystic kidney disease and PCOS so i know the smaller and healthier i am the better

    SW - 303
  • I thought I'd kick off my lean by Labor Day by doing an extra long workout today. 2 hrs and 20 min. I also climbed the major hill up from the beach in 8 minutes! This is my record. I started at 13 min and I'm hoping to be able to do it in 6 by the end of this challenge. I see all those people going up it jogging or pushing baby strollers and I want to be one of them! This is a major steep hill that I'm talking about. Cars can't use it and there is an arm rail and miny steps in the cement. How can you tell I'm proud of myself?! Lol. Plus I was able to work on my tan (it's a hot one today).
    Also proud because on the way back from my workout I was offered a free Starbucks caramel frappucino and I turned it down! Okay, I had one sip...but I gave the rest to my mom.

    Hope you are all doing fabulously. I'm off to sit on the balcony and read a book. :smile:
  • Wow! Love reading all the introductions. :)

    Do we get to start points with last night's sleep?

    Sleep will NOT be a challenge for me because of my chronic fatigue. I could sleep all day if left to my own devices. Thankfully, my kids are usually NOT about lying in bed past 8:30 in the morning, so devices are never left to me. LOL

    Yes, I would like to know this too. Do all the challenges begin today or last night?
  • Janice4945
    Janice4945 Posts: 39 Member
    If there is still room, I would love to be part of this challenge. My name is Janice, I live in the Tampabay area in FL. I am 66 years old and have recently lost over 40 pounds and want to loose another 15 pounds. Today I weighed in at 186.4. My goal weight is 170. I am 5'8", and have not been very active lately, so that will be my big challenge, so maybe this will help me get moving. I got 9 hours sleep last night (1 pt), I kept my food diary yesterday (1 pt) and did not exercise..boooo hissss!. I love this site and it has really been helping me to get back on track this week. Good luck to us all!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    As the only male of the group I feel honored to be surrounded by so many beautiful women. Just last year I was obese with no motivation to change until I found TOPS a weight loss suppport group with chapters all over the USA and Canada. With the support from TOPS, I lost 45 pounds in 5 months. I was TOPS King for the state of Maryland due to my success. I continue to keep the weight off but I want to tone and lose about 10 more pounds. My goal is to also help others so please feel free to send a friend request. Looking forward to helping all of us reaching our goals.

  • So I just tore into a head of lettuce while in the process of making my daily salad and...the lettuce was infested with spiders! A whole family including the mamma!! Gross!
    So please, if you are a salad person like me, pay careful attention to your veggies and fruits when you are cleaning them.

This discussion has been closed.