LEAN BY LABOR DAY - NEW CHALLENGE - *size limited* (starts w



  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    Wednesday points!!!!

    exercise- 7.5

    total 10.5

    weigh in 261.8 (-1.2)
    down 2 pounds since start

    weekly total points- 28 :)

    I answered the question yesterday, but I'll re-post. I enjoy water aerobics/ lap swimming, biking, and Zumba for Wii.
    Exciting trip to the mailbox this morning to find a package for me from Zumba......(my mom is an instructor)
    I rush to the house to open it....ANDDDDD my WONDERFUL mom bought me the Zumba Exhilarate DVD set with toning sticks :) Very excited!!!!!! Did my first DVD today, Loved it!
  • Wednesday points:

    Water - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 3
    Sleep - 1

    Total - 6
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Wednesday points:
    Exercise: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1
    Log: 1

    Total: 4

    Grand total: 13 points
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    sleep 1
    log 1
    water 1
    exercise 3

    total 6

    see you all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello fit & fabulous ones! I hope everyone had a wonderful day. Boy this heat is something! After I finish this post, I am heading for my 2nd shower of the day just to cool off.

    Now being back in the swing of all things "myfitnesspal" I am amazed by something. Tracking my food & exercise - checking in with all of you - I feel so much better, am happier, more energy, etc. Why oh why wouldn't I do this all the time? I am so thankful to have this challenge & all of you to remind me of what a great thing we are doing for ourselves.

    I'll post this daily so hopefully everyone sees this - but later Sunday Night (9/10 EST) I will post a NEW thread for us called "LEAN BY LABOR DAY - CLOSED GROUP" - that will be where we officially post. For those that have been in past challenges, does it make sense to stay on that thread until the end of our 7 weeks, or should I start a new one each week?.....

    WEDNESDAY QUESTION: - my favorite exercises. Power walking (easiest to fit in), JM 30 Day Shred, JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, an old Jane Fonda step workout from many years ago (on VHS!), swimming, zumba, elliptical (that one that's sort of part stairmaster/part elliptical?)... walk/jog intervals. I don't belong to the YMCA now, but hope to re-join in September.

    Ashley - How's the music on Zumba for Wii? fun? Yay for your surprise in the mail!

    Nancy - I got the statistics on "ideal sleep for adults" and it was 7-9 consecutive hours. Weight issues are associated with frequently getting less, or more (although they did say that sleep requriements are very individualized)

    Renee - I have done C25K in the past (never quite finished) - I hope to get back to it!

    Kelly - I am with you on tough to workout outdoors in the heat! If I lived somewhere warmer, I would have to join a gym year-round (or get AC at home!)

    Vanessa - do you take TaeKwonDo classes or do a DVD?

    Robin - I used to get Shape/Self (and Fitness) magazine before kids. How are those magazines these days? What's your favorite?

    Phyllis - sounds like you have some fun xbox fitness games! Those desk exercises were hillarious! Good for you for doing some, I can just picture it!!

    Pam - How long did it take you to adjust to the booty pain of spinning? I love the spinning, but my rear self has a very very hard time with it!

    Melissa - I wish I was a better runner! I am envious of you. running is really really hard for me. I could more easilly swim a mile than run one. It is a goal of mine though!

    Dory - What kind of puppy do you have? Walks are great for you both!

    1 girl4 boys - I really need to get back to my 30 day shred! I love it - I just have to get more organized!

    Deanna - I love to swim too!

    Indigoangel - great work on getting your points in! I'd love to be more Yoga able some day. I'm not very flexible, and I get dizzy if I bend down - makes yoga a little tricky for me, but I still want to try!

    Diane - I like to do intervals on the TM too (otherwise I get bored). I have one where I start at 0% and 3.5 then every minute go up a click in % and up a click in speed - do that until I max out on incline, then I back it down the same way I went up.

    Rebecca - I have been really working to get in bed by 11pm. That 11pm-12am is usually my time to read a book/magazine or watch a show.

    littlemount - any chance you can get those lays chips out of the house? I don't know how long I'd survive in their constant presence (oooh the temptation!)

    Have a great night sleep all!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member


    What are your "go to" snacks to help keep hunger at bay?
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday 6 points
    Tuesday 5 points
    Wednesday sleep 1, h2o 1, logging 1, exercise 3 total -6

    I use the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos. When I weighed almost 200 lbs they were easy enough that I could do them safely and not be discouraged. Now I have switched from 4 mph workouts to 5 and 6 mph. They still challenge me.
    My go to snack is usually freeze dried peaches or apples. I like Market Pantry. Sometimes I will have pretzels and laughing cow cheese.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Amy..I go to taekwondo classes...they are just so much fun! My son goes as well so it is bonus that it is something we can do together (and he has 12 years more tkd experience than me so he teaches me alot too!) on a regular basis.

    I want to know what health & fitness magazines you guys like to read??
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello Team Lean!

    This website was suggested to me for those that have a desk job and may not have much time to workout during their workday! I tried a couple (Pump & Run and We're Not Worthy). A co-worker did stop at my desk and asked what I was doing, and I politely responded by saying "I'm working out, you should try it!" :smile:

    If you would like to try a few, here's the link:

    Later Team!

    You made me giggle! "I'm working out, you should try it!" ROFL!!! I love it!! I think I'm going to go to that website and try some JUST so I can use that line!!! Thanks for the smile!
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    Darn - I'm going to have to work hard at getting that 7 hours. I have to be to work by 7:30am and with kids busy schedules don't get home til after 7 in the evening - I'd be ok if I'd go to bed instead of come on here and check in with all of you...but I'm going to sacrifice the sleep point for another night because this inspiration and support is more important to me for the time being! So here's my Wednesday points:

    1 for water + 1 for logging + 1.5 for 34.42 minutes of exercise + 0 for sleep = 3.5

    Weekly total so far: 11.5
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    I was able to get 4.5 points for Wednesday.
    sleep - 1
    food - 1
    exercise (27 min.) - 1
    water (10 cups) - 1.5
    total so far 12.5 points
  • I did another 20 min. workout tonight (it was either that or eat!) so today's points are up to 7 now and not 6.

    Goodnight all!!
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    In response to Thursdays questions, I like to have either some cheese or a hard boiled egg white for snack. I am a huge fan of sweets so sometimes I make my own cookies and use oatmeal primarily and only a little flour and will snack on one of those. In doing my diary it seems that my fat percentage is double what it should be because my carb percentage is so low , so I am going to track that better and be more vigilant of my fat intake to see if I can budge the scale this week. Oh also just so I can prepare how do we find closed groups on the community boards?
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Wednesday Points:

    Sleep - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise (65 min.) - 3
    Water (10 cups) - 1.5

    Yea Me! I was finally able to get more than 6 hours of sleep last night! I'm not sure if it was from being outside in the heat and humidity during my walk/jog intervals or something else, but afterwards, I went home, had some dinner (healthy of course) with a bottle of water, took a couple of pain relievers and called it a night! I just hope the headache is not a sign that I'm getting sick! Ugh!

    Also, I'm not so sure if we get 1/2 points for drinking more than 8 glasses of water, but I thought I would throw it in there anyway! If not, please let me know and I'll deduct it
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Wednesday's Points


    Weekly total= 22pts
  • rpearce519
    rpearce519 Posts: 72
    Amy..I go to taekwondo classes...they are just so much fun! My son goes as well so it is bonus that it is something we can do together (and he has 12 years more tkd experience than me so he teaches me alot too!) on a regular basis.

    I want to know what health & fitness magazines you guys like to read??

    I work for Conde Nast Publications and we publish Self magazine....it is by far my favorite, but I'm sure I'm bias:) I also love Shape, Fitness and one of my other favs is Women's Health! I learn something new everytime I pick up any of those magazines!!

    My son is 12, will be 13 in October and this year he wants to run track at school, so I'm hoping to start getting him out there with me, I would love to do something like you are doing with my kids, just promotes a healthy lifestyle for them early! He's already very active in most sports and my daughter is in gymnastics, but I would like to start a routine with them! very cool that you guys do that together:)
  • rpearce519
    rpearce519 Posts: 72
    Wednesday points:)

    Sleep - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 1
    Water - 1

    Total - 4
  • rpearce519
    rpearce519 Posts: 72
    forgot to tell you my fav magazines....I work for Conde Nast Publications and we publish Self magazine....it is by far my favorite, but I'm sure I'm bias:) I also love Shape, Fitness and one of my other favs is Women's Health! I learn something new everytime I pick up any of those magazines!! lucky for me, we get subscriptions to all of thoes magazines here in the office so I'm a little spoiled and can read them all here at work:)
  • Wednesday points

    Sleep - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 1
    Water - .5
    Total - 3.5

    Having a hard time getting my water in. I think I'll try bringing a big 'ole glass to work and refill it from the water fountain all day. Good thing my office is close to the ladies room!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    12.5 hours of sleep last night... I'm feeling much better this morning! I was having a major fatigue day, brought on by exercising everyday for like the past 10 days and also the insane heat. I don't want to stop exercising so I just went to bed early to see if that would help. I also drank 140 ounces of water yesterday! It was soooo hot here... we're not used to this kind of heat... temps were in the mid 90's with the heat index and humidity making it feel about 110 degrees!

    As far as my go-to snacks... I became a vegetarian for about 2 years because of my endometriosis. It really helped with the pain. When my doctor told me I was stage 0, the first thing I asked was if I could eat meat again. LOL! So, anyway, I love fruit and veggies! I buy as much as our budget allows and eat it almost constantly!
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