Yeah, that didn't quite work out the way I had envisioned it.
Grab some dinner with ;^) er....that was for jiggly
Spank on a date
Disco ball
Don't be intimidated by the Classic. There's a lot of push-ups and pull-ups, but you can go at your own pace. The important thing is to start. I have trouble with the pull-ups and use the bands instead.
Thanks dls and clh!
Thank you. This is very helpful.
Yes, sorry. I edited to include that.
Nice Recovery
I use a Timex T5G951. It runs about $39 and has worked great for me so far. It come with a chest strap.
Mary, consider letting everyone take a look at your food diary so we can get a feel for how many carbs, sugars, proteins, etc. you are getting. The answer might be there.
Is it possible that you're losing inches and not pounds?
Ok, Rebel. I'll play your game. You're going to quit trying and you're blaming this site for not doing enough for you. Great. But if that was really the case, why didn't you just sign out and leave? tick...tick....tick..... I know. You want someone to listen. You want someone to care. You just want to be heard. Well buddy,…
Thanks for the support Olag and Scarlet!