

  • will have lots of great information for you if you'd care to log on. They're great! Good luck on your Run! :)
    in Hell Run Comment by Beeger79 July 2011
  • Don't you just love that? I know I do! :happy: By the way. . .did ya count the calories burned for setting up the swing? :wink:
  • Don't give up!!! It's hard to make lifestyle changes, but they're worth it in the end. Look how far you've come, you are doing so great. And an indulgence every once in a while won't hurt. It kinda helps me, cause once I get my treat I lose the desire to go nuts and have a chocolate party. A couple hundred calories of Twix…
  • I've been here a week and I would be glad to call you friend if you wanna add me. :happy:
    in Newbie. Comment by Beeger79 July 2011
  • I'm actually changing doctors for that reason. My previous Dr. was a nice lady, but when I asked about losing weight all I got was "Watch portion sizes." Wow. Profound, right? Nothing about how many calories I should be consuming, nothing about types of excercise that would be good for me since I've had back trouble from…
  • Tell me about it!!! I have an autistic son and he LOVES grapes and strawberries and they are not cheap. Plus, I try to eat as many fresh fruit and veggies as I can, but again. . .NOT Cheap!! I try to make due with fresh frozen and some canned F & V, but it's not really the same. If you live near a Farmers Market, they are…
  • I have around 100 pounds to lose and decided that I need to get serious about it. Counting calories is going alright. I really need to learn portion size. In just one day, I am shocked at how much I was overeating. I just hope that THIS time I make lifestyle changes that will serve me for the rest of my life, not just til…